I am not a big fan of online games. Through Facebook, I have played games like scramble and pathwords. But now the fever is catching up on a newly introduced game called FarmVille. My facebook wall was getting cluttered with many invitations to play this game. Somehow, I never got into this this game. But now, somewhat addicted to it :), blame it on my interest in agriculture/farming. I am more surprised to see many of my friends who don’t even have any clue on farming are getting addicted to this game. Here is a brief observation on this game and few tips and tricks that I have explored to raise levels at faster rate!
FarmVille is a level game developed by Zynga. The other two games I have mentioned above are also by the same Zinga Inc. In FarmVille game to climb each level user has to earn experience points (XP), new crops are released at each level. The game provides an option to choose the kind of crops based on frequency of your visit to this application. In order to obtain the best results, follow this doc for your reference. As you can see, RaspBerries are the best to grow if you have enough time to play, since these mature in 2 hours for an average profit of 13 coins, while for 10 coins you can best grow BlueBerries.
Apart from that, there are other options to increase your coins and xp by using animals and trees, which can be gifted to you by your friends. There is one gift that you can pass on to your friends free of cost in a day. Similarly if they could pass on such free gifts, it becomes easy to gain levels and move high in this game. There is an exhaustive study with respect to various available resources to keep moving high and you can access the same on google docs here. Even if you have no clue on what farming is all about, go on play this game and I am sure you will start liking agriculture :). Though this game might not be that interesting over a period of time, for the time being till you reach level 25 or so this game will make you an addict. If you are fed of this game messages all over on your friends profiles, wait till my next post. I will let you know how to get freedom from all these games and quizzes stuff from your facebook. Till then happy gaming… err! farming
Waheed says
In the beginning when i used to see my frenz playing farmville, i use to get so wild and scold them for playing such a stupid and time consuming game….Infact i din’t have any idea abt the game at tat time…later when i forcefully entered into the game to explore and check out wat makes so many people fantasy in it???
and atlast now em addicted to this game, i have less time to play but still this is only game i play everyday for abt an hour and very nice game to keep playing, and thanks for your doc abt the game…cheers…
Mohan says
Hehehe… Addiction my boy!! that is addiction
Geetha says
John says
farmville is a really cool game which i didnt quite get at first but i boughts this guide and now its on!!! lol here the link if yall would like to check it out!
I Personally hate the GAME but, I do have a SON & Wfe that loves this game so I have learn to adapt it and figured out with the settings to block it form placing the actions onto my WALL.
I must add though I really get off watching My 3 yr old boy Tomas play and take care of his…
Farmville, Pets, Fishville, and something else
Tha games can truely how Kids about responsibility.
take fishville for instance, if they don’t feed them every 4 hrs they DIE.
And my son hates for his fish to die. so he MUST Play..
SO for all those who think it’s un-professional to play farmville…
Thats You Opinion but my son is my Professional & keeps up better than 80% of most.
Great article my friend.
Norman Flecha
Straight Talk
Sneha says
I am seeing too many fan page news stream on my facebook profile for this farmville game. Most of them read something like:
* Y became fan of 100-Golden-Eggs-Daily.
* Z became fan of Get Free Fuel Every Hour.
What is all this gaga about? by becoming fans of certain pages? do we really get such benefits in farmville with this? Please let me know.
Ritesh says
I am addicted to this game, I like collecting COWS
Mohan says
hehehe.. that is the way it is. Very addictive game indeed!
Sowmya says
My crops on farmville don’t wilt/wither any more! Thanks to the game makers on facebook to remove that option. I can harvest at my own time.. no hurry what so ever now!
Rohini says
I need a couple more neighbors to expand my farm… but after looking at your article and comments by so many other farmville players, it looks like the game will be boring after sometime. Even i am planning to quit, but still hooked
what to do?
Mohan says
Hmmm… Looks like the farmville is going great guns still

Well, if you are enjoying the game.. continue and have fun until you get bored. Don’t just get discouraged
Sangeetha says
Hey all – Now collecting the milk from cows is so easy. Move all your cows into a dairy building and you can collect milk from all the cows at just one click. Now it is no more tedious. Isn’t that a great feature now?
Mohan says
Hmm… nice to see that the Farmville game developers have found ways to keep the people more addicted. I gave it up long back! So, I haven’t seen this for sure
Shilpa Naik says
I am getting bored off late. Any inputs or motivating factors to keep me going in this farmville?
Mohan says
Oh… already? sure, look at my real flowers from the garden – I have posted an article with the flowers grown from my roof top! You still need a better motivation? :-p
david says
Change of plan now:
Fed up being a slave to my farm so I’m now planting peas – only once a day and still quite good XP points!
Mohan says
Good to know that you are still going strong! Yes Peas earns you 4 xp points (3 for seeding + 1 for ploughing) per unit which returns 176 coins for 23 hrs!
Sangeetha says
This game slowly sets its tempo and now I am addicted too..
Mohan says
hahahaha…. enjoy
Sneha Pai says
Thank you so much for this. Though I had access to grapes, I was seeding all other crops. Now I know what I should be sowing. Love your blog Mohan… it is so neat and cleanly organized.
Dhanasekar says
I saw your twitt bye bye Farmville,I also quit couple of days back. All these games are interesting for shorter period. Not only these even high end computer games are also interesting to play for a while. But what interesting is Farmville had the same thrill and interesting facts of a high end computer game just for no cost.
Mohan says
True.. I did enjoy playing farmville. But the fact is one tends to get saturated once the game becomes very routine after achieving almost all blue ribbons
Akshay says
why don’t you sign me for facebook?
Mohan says
I didn’t get you Akshay… What are you talking about?
Chitra says
I got up so early today just to harvest the crop I had planted in farmville last night! Now that I have sown seeds that will take another 4 hours to harvest the raspberries. Let me sleep now and back in another 4 hours
Thanks for all the tips and that spreadsheet with so much info on farmville game.
Mohan says
Addiction girl… it is an addiction!
david says
Loads better recently regarding system crashing.
I tried lots of “offers” to get free Farm Cash ( advertised under the Paypal real money page) and NONE have paid up, even after completing the offers.
Two tips for increasing XP levels:
Buy hay bales at 100 coins for 5 XP points and then delete and repeat as necessary (20 coins per XP point.)
Plough at 15 coins cost, plant Soybeans at 15 coins and delete squares for 3 XP points (10 coins per XP point.)
Both quite cheap way but takes so much time and really drains your will to live!
Mohan says
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I have now given up playing this game after reaching level 32 and gifting olive tree to all my neighbors!
Laura says
The elephant harvests circus peanuts. They’re about 120 coins.
Cyndi says
Yo, now an elephant just came out tonight. I bought the Pagoda for xp points and then sold it. Waste of time. Ended up selling all barns/gazebos I bought, earned cuz it left no room for harvesting. Cute farm tho. Using hay bales for initials in front of farm; also used white hay bales to make a big cross in front of my cottage. I just play around decorating and that’s the fun. It does waste a lot of time, and I’m LOL at how addictive ur mind is. As my sis and I are drivin along, everything goes right to “farmville”….the trees, the houses, etc. WE both looked at each other and laughed. Also I’m ab at level 28 and the addiction wears off…many have already said it…it gets “redundant and boring”. You’d think Zynga could be a little more creative with all the “creative people” playin. I could add a whole lot of new and faster, more challenging things to the game. haha and true…ty night IT IS TRUE I HAVE FOUND NO WAY TO EARN THAT MANY FV$ EXCEPT BY PURCHASE. DIDN’T REALIZE THAT AT FIRST.
Shravani says
Even I got multiple baby elephants as gifts by my farmville neighbors. I think it consumes lot of space and it is not worth the profit it makes. Mohan, any thoughts on how profitable is baby elephant in farmville?
Mohan says
Me too! Just got a bunch of elephant gifts today and not sure how many coins each generate per harvest. I can only comment on it once I collect coins from this baby elephant. So, stay tuned! No second thought, it does occupy lot of space – what an elephant is all about otherwise!
Richa Singh says
all my friends have started gifting the ‘white fence’ nowadays. i see it is of no use, but still people gifting that only in farmville. are there any unknown benefits that I am not aware of with white fence?
Mohan says
There is not much use in accepting the white fence as gift. It only helps you in getting those farmville ribbons related to decorative items. It is always better to get an animal / tree as gift
Shravani says
When do I get Clove Tree in this farmville game? I am at level 26 and still unable to gift it to friends. None of my friends have gifted it to me so far.
Mohan says
You meant Olive tree? I haven’t seen Clove tree in Farmville! To get Olive tree, you need to reach level 32
Lisa Chan says
This farmville game gets stuck half the way many a times. I lose all the ploughing/seeding/harvesting etc., It show up that Farmville is saving your game data please do not close the browser. It continues like hours together. It is so disgusting. At some point if you chose to go to your game home and come back to farm, all your work is gone along with coins too.
This farmville game sucks. very bad code and crashes frequently. I think I am gonna give up this game if it happens again.
Mohan says
Yeah, even I have experienced this crash a couple of times before while playing farmville. This could be really bad when you are in the middle of some big farming activity. Bad code for sure. Hope they fix it soon, I have reported them the error
Lisa Chan says
I have found few more observation on playing Farmville game on facebook which are not mentioned above by others.
1. Some crops grow very quickly and will die if you can’t harvest them on time. Pick longer growing crops if your going to be away from your computer for days at a time.
2. Visiting your friends farms and completing the occasional quest there will help you gain experience.
3. Make use of the gift system and send items with your new friends who might not have much on their farm yet.
I agree to the fact that user tends to lose interest over a period of time. After getting all the blue ribbons in farmville which usually happens by 23rd level in this game I lost interest too because of high targets to reach the red ribbons.
Amrita says
Lisa, each crop has the same tenure to survive to that of time to grow for harvesting. For example, if you choose blueberries which will be available for harvesting in 4 hours, it can be in that state for another 4 hours. If you don’t harvest in those 4 hours, the crop will die. So, you will lose all the time and money.
Better to choose the best crop according to your login frequency as mohan has pointed out.
Mohan says
Yup.. I second what Amrita has mentioned. The crop will have the same time to die as that of time to harvest after it grows fully. You have to be choosy on xp points, coins and the frequency of your visit to facebook to earn the best out of farmville game.
Rachel says
I have reached level 25 on farmville. Still i am so addicted! difficult to reach every level from here on but still doesnt’ look like I am gonna give up.
Mohan says
Like I have mentioned before, it is very addictive
Mohan says
I have been getting feedback that people are really loosing interest after level 25 since every level required 5000 xp to move to the next level… Let us see till what level you can go in farmville!
Rachel says
Thanks for that google spreadsheet document. Few tips from my end to gain more points and play faster in this farmville game:
* Make sure you’re only planting seeds that you can keep up with! While you’ll still earn XP if your crops wilt, you will lose out on possible income!
* Keep an eye out for neighbors who have found lost cows or sheep on their properties. If you’re the first to see their post on Facebook, you can adopt the animal and start to earn profits from their milk/wool.
Mohan says
Hey Rachel, it wasn’t created by me, It was put up by someone and I found it while searching on the net. So, I gave a link to that doc since it might help others as well. Thanks for you tips on Farmville game
Sharon says
I got 150 units of fuel when a tractor was purchased. Is there a way to get a larger tank by buying more machinary or more fuel?. The only way to get more fuel seems to be coming with a wait time. Any other alternatives?
Mohan says
Sharon, even I have observed that. I tried by getting more fuel with FV cash, it only acts as refuel and once you exhaust it, it won’t start filling the extra fuel you bought. The maximum you can have without purchasing extra fuel is only 150 units
Also, buying more machinery doesn’t seem to help increase the fuel tank capacity either… or may be that I am not aware of a way to get more!
Tim Hall says
Buyable fuel tanks DO NOT refill – they are one time use items – keep this in mind if you choose to spend your hard spent FC on them!
Tractor, Harvester and Seeder SHARE one fuel tank! Keep this in mind when you’re about to harvest, plow or seed – I recommend using the harvester when you plant crops that are normally harder to accurately or easily click to harvest
Mohan says
That is right Tim. Even i lost my valuable hard earned Farmville FV cash on buying those refills and once that gets over, I was left with only one auto refilling fuel tank for every 2 min 30 seconds
Kishore says
How to accumulate the fv cash in the FarmVille game without paying for it? I am finding it difficult to get more fv cash. It is very random on the way they give you fv cash. Any tips for getting higher fv cash?
Mohan says
Hey Kishore, as far as I can recall, they award 1 fv cash everytime you increase your level. I am not aware of any other way to get more FV cash unless you purchase them with real money in US $
Eric Amweg says
I would like to get more neighbors so I can earn all my Blue Ribbons…very addicted to the game here! All of my friends on Facebook who play FarmVille are my neighbors. I need more Friends!
Eric Amweg
Mohan says
Eric, I know its too addictive. however, I am sorry, I don’t have a solution to increase your neighbors on farmville! let me ask you a question… what after getting all those blue ribbons? don’t you think you have wasted too much of time playing this game at the end?
Balu says
even i m getting so many farmville game request, but still now i dint accepted!!

i m scared to online line games, coz i can easily addict to that, and cant come out!!
Mohan says
Yeah balu it is an addiction till level 12, there after you lose interest anyways because of high scores to move to next level.. you can remove the game after that
vineeta says
An award waiting for you. Plz check my blog post
Mohan says
yay! thank you so much
lostworld says
What a topic Mohan !!
I like the requests which ask me to adopt a stray cow or sheep.. Used to be so amused
Haven’t played the game although when I joined FB I was a sucker for their quizzes !
Mohan says
Yeah.. I got so lost in this game… couldn’t resist from writing a post on this. Well, the actual motive was to clean up my wall, but was curious to know why so many people are getting into this particular game… feel free to join as my neighbor if you wish to play this game
Kavitha says
Even I am addicted to this game now! Growing trees as well will not make you rich but they will be there for you without wilting. For instance, growing cherry trees takes two days for a mere gain of 18 coins, apple trees take three days for 28 coins and lime trees take 5 days for 75 coins.
Mohan says
Glad.. I am not feeling lonely any more
Yup.. thats right I am just exploring more and thanks for your tips on this game.
Yogesh Goel says
even this has gone over my head…
somehow i do not like games and all…
they r all damn time-passers….
i hate them…
Mohan says
hehehe… though they are time pass games, you can always get relaxed while playing and think creative to keep your brain cells busy instead of letting them become Grey cells
Srinath says
farmville has irritated me the most.. i have reduced fb usage because 100s of people post their farm photos
Mohan says
I have facebook purity grease monkey script to get rid of the quizzes and other application notices from my wall. Need to write a new script to hide the farmville photos I suppose
Anyways, since I don’t check the photos, it is not bothering much at this point of time 
vineeta says
Ah! Even I keep getting Farmville game requests but hv never accepted it. And I am a game addict.. mostly word games! And the fav one is Word Challenge! Thats the best word game on facebook I feel (after trying pathwords, scramble, scrabble, word twist.. ).
But I hvn’t tried my hands on MAfia wars and FarmVille.. As u said.. it will require sm time to develop liking for this game.. I m sure gonna try this out as everyone on my wall keeps updating this game update and I will surely take my revenge
vineeta says
Ah! Even I keep getting Farmville game requests but hv never accepted it. And I am a game addict.. mostly word games! And the fav one is Word Challenge! Thats the best word game on facebook I feel (after trying pathwords, scramble, scrabble, word twist.. ).
But I hvn’t tried my hands on MAfia wars and FarmVille.. As u said.. it will require sm time to develop liking for this game.. I m sure gonna try this out as everyone on my wall keeps updating this game update and I will surely take my revenge
Mohan says
Facebook has become a killer product for time pass. So many applications and games… hmm I envy their success
Same here, even I haven’t tried mafia wars though I get so many requests. For the time being liking the farmville stuff for sure! feel free to join me as a neighbor by joining me after following the link given above