This post is on a satirical note for the Youngistaan ka WOW contest on IndiBlogger. As per the contest rules, the article that gets the highest number of unique comments from fellow bloggers qualify to win the contest. So, go ahead and share your thoughts on my challenge in the form of comments (forget not to include your blog URL while commenting!). This is the contest question – If you were the game master, what challenge would you like to throw to Ranbir?
Since I am the game master, why should I be constrained with just one question? So, I am asking as many questions as possible in the rapid fire format – Why not? after all we know the fact of ‘Yeh Dil Maange More!‘. The only condition here in my game is that ‘The Pepsi Ranbir’ will qualify for my next question only upon correctly answering the current question. By the way, the answers that Ranbir/Pepsi team provide should be inline with rest of the people’s knowledge and can be answered in detail unlike just a single word similar to ‘WOW’. With that let me start my questionnaire game!
Q1 – How is pepsi manufactured?
A – We extract the ground water from various parts of our great nation where the water levels are recording the new rock bottom every day. Doesn’t really matter to us if we are hurting the farmers and their lands in those places. Then we add some more ingredients to it like Sugar and CO2 (Carbon DiOxide) to make you feel WoW upon drinking. Not to mention, the Sugar adds on free calories to make you stout/obese (provided you don’t work out) and more CO2 to ruin our environment at a faster rate… come on folks.. I have answered this from my heart, should you all be saying ‘WOW’ now?
Well done! Now your next question.
Q2 – How do you ship Pepsi to various places from the manufacturing unit?
A – Ah, that is a very simple question, but let me give you a detailed answer so that everyone understands it better. Once the carbonated water is made available after preparation, we use different modes to bottle the drink. Our product is made available through PLASTIC bottles, glass containers, fountain vending machines and canned metal containers. Yes, though we use recyclable plastic, we do harm our environment to a lesser extent and it is not completely bio degradable like tender coconut. All these various bottling modes are then required to make use of the refrigerators to serve our drink chilled. So, we do cause enormous harm to mother earth and its atmosphere by consuming more electricity to serve you always ‘Tanda’ drink, polluting the air with CFC which in turn make holes in Ozone layer. Thus we do contribute to the greater cause of ‘Global Warming’.
WOW… that was a very nice answer. I can’t agree more! Now that you have bought up ‘Tender Coconut’ in your answer, here is the next question.
Q3 – How beneficial is to drink a Pepsi for human body?
A – Like I have mentioned earlier, we aim to serve our drink only in chilled form across the country including places where we still have fluorinated water. We quench the thirst of Indians all over including those places where the safe drinking water is not available. We have established our market to all the remote places in such a way that our Pepsi will be available even if you don’t find drinking water. We have diet Pepsi too for all those calories conscious souls. Though we take our product quality extremely important, we have come across few bad incidents like pesticides or frog/toad remains in our product, they are very rare incidents. I suggest people not to dig too much into negative news. After all human is to err and we are not producing a drink that is direct from nature like Tender Coconut, Hence there will be few exceptions here and there. We strive for you people to say ‘WOW’ upon every sip of Pepsi.
Good one again, but I think it is incomplete.
Q4 – Can you talk about the nutritional value of Pepsi?
A – First of all I am not a qualified nutrition or diet expert. All I can say is we want to make you ‘WOW’ for every sip of our product. My job is just to market this drink through ads since they pay me hefty. Why should I worry about all this crap when there are millions of fools out there to pay exorbitant price for our product which is nothing but sweetened and carbonated water. If you are looking for exhaustive list of vitamins, proteins and minerals like what you have in tender coconut, sorry but pepsi is no where comparable!
I am truly a fan of you for being so open with your answers. Here is the last question:
Q5 – When you are aware of all the facts about drinking soft drinks against tender coconut, why don’t you promote natural drinks?
A – What the hell are you talking about? Do you think our ordinary farmer will be able to pay me in millions for promoting tender coconut? Pepsi sponsors cricket teams, live concert musical evenings etc., to enjoy our youth. What has tender coconut promoted in this country? More over promoting coconut tree itself is a big headache as it is completely against our policies and it is so environmental friendly that all its parts are biologically decomposable in a short span unlike our pepsi plastic bottles which can survive for centuries. Don’t you think we will be too environment conscious by supporting tender coconut? More over it is my personal opinion to support Pepsi for making money for my own life. Why should I be caring for all those profitless promos of natural drinks? You pay me better than pepsi, I don’t mind promoting anything on this damn earth. Are you expecting a ‘Padmashri Pullela Gopichand‘ out of me? Do you get that?
Wow.. you are brilliant and absolutely to the point. You win and thanks for taking part in my game!!!
PS & Disclaimer:
I don’t like any of the carbonated soft drinks irrespective of the product/company, rarely drink when left with no other option. Intent of this article is not to defame any cola company, but to make people understand the benefits of opting for natural drinks. There by promoting the Indian agricultural produce and lending my support to all those farmers to help us save our earth by spreading the green love. Think about all those marketing gimmicks to make you pay for a bottle of carbonated water at stupidly exorbitant prices. Do you think we should still go with these soft drinks and ruin our mother earth which is already getting abused to the core?
UPDATE as on 16th Apr 2010:
Pepsi has accepted the defeat by not letting my nomination get through to final list of ‘IndiBlogger of the Month’. The intent of this article is to spread the awareness of natural drinks and their benefits as against the corporate world of carbonated drinks.
Jen says
LOL! This is just awesome! Thanks for the sweetened and carbonated info on Pepsi! I always thought Pepsi was better than Coke…now my views are changing!!
Your new follower
Mohan says
Thanks Jen! well, in my personal view both are EVIL
keerthana says
I am a late responder but seriously WOW! I hate pepsi and every other aerated drink. I hope others also stop drinking it
Vijaysaradhi says
Just saw ur blog on the indiblogger site.A real Eye opener atleast to me coz i was kindof “addicted” to these ariated drinks.But I decided to take a resolution this year and stop drinking aeriated drinks.Some of your thoughts concide with mine.Share your blog on twitter and facebook.Make it viral so that more people will get to know about the devastating effects of aeriated drinks.I could share it on twitter if you dnt mind
Mohan says
Thanks Vijay! Welcome to my blog
Well, we all know the facts but just that we behave as if we are blind folded! I have shared it enough through all channels. Feel free to promote the way you wish to share with your friends!
RamLal says
Hi Mohan,
Great Stuff!! But are you aware of the things related to so called natural drinks available as replacements. Do you know how coconuts travel to our places ? its natural qualities? How milk is prepared used for LASSIs? How Rohfzaaa are made and so on…Even a plain water bottle? ….Nothing is pure dear.
I too not favoring cold drinks , but think twice to select your alternatives…Best of luck. Thanks
Mohan says
Dear Ram, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I still feel those locally prepared Lassi is anytime good for our health compared to the aerated drinks. Tender coconut doesn’t cause harm to human body like these soft drinks for sure. I am not sure what else can be more natural than a tender coconut!
Kcalpesh says
Wow!!! And, hats off for this one
Mohan says
Thank you Kcalpesh
your comment makes me opt for another tender coconut right away 
Elaya Kumar S says
I am a regular reader of your blog.
If I were to give a rating for the articles, so far I came across in the Blog,
this article will get the Top rating:
It exposed the marketing gimmicks played by the TNCs in its true color. Thanks Mohan for the good work. Keep it up. You are doing a great job than most of our so called netas who sit in conference halls with their aquafina mineral(?) water bottles.
Mohan says
Thanks for your kind words Elaya Kumar! I know you have been a regular reader of my articles
Watch out for my next post on water bottles with a video this time!
Sourabh Biswas says
Fantastically written! This is a satirical slap on the faces of the Organizers!
Baba Ramdev must be grinning at you from ear to ear!
btw, do check my Pepsi post too!
Mohan says
Thanks Sourabh… let me head over to read yours. Welcome & look forward to see you often here
Pranesh says
Nicely written… Liked the special emphasis on Tender Coconut as am a big fan of it and hate cola drinks to the core…
Mohan says
Me too a fan of tender coconut… lets have a party of the same soon
Anand Bala says
My post (which you have also endorsed) on similar lines [ ]. I too got rejected
Please allow me to add to your argument –
1) Indira Nooyi is also on the Prime Ministers Advisory Council – gives her a enviable ability to lobby within the corridors of power.
Lobbying in my opinion is nothing more than sophisticated corruption. When my beat constable does it, it’s corruption. When TNCs do it – it’s lobbying. What makes one more legal than the other? There is a conflict interest with such folks being able to influence decisions on the environment.
2) Pepsi, will launch clinical trials into a “soft-drink” that claims to cure anaemia amongst women. That is what I call rubbing salt into one’s wounds. They first pollute drinking water which leads to health complications AND THEN they want to pedal a cure for Anemia? #fail
My post on the issue with relevant links –
3) Plachimada is a good case to understand how Beverage giants use the corridors of power. Shashi Tharoor, was batting aggressively for Coke in Plachimada. Going to the extent of claiming that the scientific data used to prove contamination of ground water was weak. Quoting from his letter available @
***Once again, I am unable to understand the scientific basis for your continued charges against the company…***
Now that the gov’t panel has asked Coke to pay up for Chromium contamination, he has slipped into silence on the issue (which came up much before cricket in Kochi became the cynosure of the media)
[for the govt panel’s decision – ]
An observation on the side: With the whole Eye Pee and Yell controversy raging, Suhel Seth (with close links to coke) is out in the studios discretely batting for Tharoor’s integrity. Feels like the favour is being returned.
I have absolutely NOTHING against free enterprise and am in favour of small business. What I am opposed to is taking wealth from the public sphere (e.g. ground water and mineral wealth) and moving lock, stock and barrel into the private sphere by commoditising it for profiteering. The worst part is that this wealth leaks out of the community that has been nurturing it. It’s like stealing somebody’s provident fund to throw a beer party for the entire village.
Anand Bala says
don’t play games with my water!
A video from You Tube that I have used on my blog as well –
Mohan says
Anand, thanks for honoring the request of a guest post with detailed info. I have published the article a while back.
Indushree says
Hey good article Mohan its educates us against pepsi
Mohan says
More apt would be to say, this article is more intended towards promoting natural health drinks than the human made carbonated drinks!
Olivia says
Hmm …..Mohan it seems you have asked a lot of questions and given some very straight answers.So congratulations on your spectacular win and for all the right reasons !I have a problem with the title”Youngistaan Ka Wow” however,I think it should be “Obesetaan ka How”(as to how to turn hindustan to obesetaan).Ranbir,Sanjay and Jaqueline play a stupid game in a stupid tv ad for a stupid marketing gimmick in a country full of stupid youngsters who look out for the cool factor in a stupid world of complete nonsense and I think my comment is getting stupider by the minute!So let me get to the point and that is ,I think this ad will target the young crowd(read kids) more than it would attract adults or adolescents(who thanks to other media propagandas believe stick thin is beautiful!) and will lead to some serious health problems for kids who are already addicted to video games as opposed to outdoor sports and who will now get addicted to pepsi maybe! So maybe we can come up with a counter game”Carbonated drink hatao,Youngistaan ko bachao”! Now that’s a game I will like to play.
Mohan says
Very insightful thoughts yet again! That movement might pick up steam pretty soon
Thanks Olivia!
anjugandhi says
sarcasm to it best
what an informative and eye opener
but how many will learn something from it?
all the best for the contest
Mohan says
Thanks Anju and welcome! Some will never learn, but at least the bell sounds in their ears to think about it once for sure!