Have you ever thought searching on web is so simple? Then you must take this test called “World Search Championship“. By taking up this test, you not only get to learn which search engine is the best.. but also can win yourself great prizes as well. All you need to do is to answer a simple set of 10 questions in least possible time. If you know the answer, you may key in the answer directly. If you don’t know the answer, you can always search on net with the help of your most favorite search engine and provide the answer. I know you must be already thinking ‘Google’ does the trick for you in no time. My best wishes to you.. feel free to thank me if you win any prize.
By the way.. one request from me. After you are done with your best attempt, come back to my blog and share your experience about searching on net with all those web search engines. It would be great if you could search using Yahoo! Glue as well – this is embedded on that question page though. I will look forward to hear from you all about your thoughts on the new revolutionary search idea. Let me also hear about what you feel about google after that 😉
The Rock says
I can’t accept any score of less than 25 seconds (unless u r a hacker)
gunz says
Fraud work… impossible under 17 seconds etc etc..
smelter says
search world search championship
Deep Sukhwani says
Hi, this is Deep Sukhwani here
I have been playing this game regularly since a pretty long time and my best score is 37 seconds and a few mili seconds..
i dont understand how people have done it within 11 seconds…
i mean, yahoo itself takes atleast 1 second to go to the next question after u hit the GO button..
Please do update me if u have any answer to this..
Deep S
harshvardhan says
please give me all answers
adish says
mujhe bhi nahi patta in sub ke answers if u know pls tell me ………..