In continuation with the on going series of nature and environment related articles while taking a dig at the cola majors, here is the next one that talks in detail about the menace of the Bottled Water! I am sure most you might have already seen this video, here it is if you haven’t. This video is made by Story of Stuff team to tell the story of manufactured demand of how to get Americans to buy more than *Half a Billion* bottles of water *EVERY WEEK* when it already flows from the tap. Over five minutes, the film explores the bottled water industry’s attacks on tap water and its use of seductive, environmental-themed advertising to cover up the mountains of plastic waste it produces. The film concludes with a call to ‘take back the tap’, not only by making a personal commitment to avoid bottled water, but by supporting investments in clean, available tap water for all.
Do you still want to carry that crushable water bottle with you?
Mohan Ch.Pargaien says
The day is not far when our cities will also compete for such infamous distinctions. I hope we Indian are more sensitive then our western counterpart for the environmental conservation. Lets start doing our bit in this directions.lets reduce use of plastic be it water bottle, plastic bags or any other thing which can be substituted with little efforts.
amit ganguly says
This is a excellent post indeed.Loads of learning and understanding too.
kannajie says
First time I seen dis video…buddy…got more clarity…
Chinkurli says
Have you watched The Story of Stuff?
Nishant Singh says
Well, it doesn’t take suave marketing to fool Americans.
But closer home the scenario is the same. Though who can afford, buy bottles after bottles of packaged drinking water or colas without realising the harm they are doing to the environment. Tap water isn’t harmless even in India unless what you get from your tap isn’t water atall!
lostworld says
Humans must be only race who work so hard in destroying our environment !! We come up so many ways to do so that if our trees, rivers, lakes etc had mouths, they’d be weeping and sobbing uncontrollably!
I wrote this comment as it always irritates me to see plastic bottles thrown all over our hill stations, lakes etc.
Mohan says
I hope you remember one of my old article on cleaning up skandagiri… planning for another clean up campaign
Arjit says
I wish I could tell you about the newer corn-based plastic bottles, but I haven’t been able to find enough information about them. Though, I certainly get your point here, sir!
If none of these choices strike one as perfect — well, it’s not a perfect world. However, better health and safety regulations would help, starting with labeling requirements that tell the public what food and beverage containers are made of. Maybe, more awareness?
Mohan says
Absolutely, awareness is the key here.
Vasu says
Very important post! There are all sorts of corporate agendas that drive bottled water consumption, but at the same time it must be mentioned that the quality of drinking water in most parts of the country is way below the ideal health and sanitation standards.
While that is something we cannot control, being as powerless as we are.
What can we control, for our best interest and that of the environment, are as follows:
1. Usage of a good and well maintained water filter / purifier at home to clean any water we may consume
2. Moderated usage of bottled water when we are outdoors, say at a restaurant for example. I would just feel more safer with bottled water there, but I could be wrong
3. As much as possible use some sort of a water bottle or flask, or can, that you clean and replace regularly.(Better option than plastic, but also important to understand that any container starts getting deposits with time, so may be good to change them constantly)
4. Cutting down the non water drinks that we consume in bottles. Colas, artificial juices, Red bull and all that jazz. You are talking about water, trust me, there are millions of Pepsi and Coke kind of bottles we dump everyday.
Point 4 above translates to calling for a blanket ban on PEPSI youngistaan contests, but fear not, I will wait for you to win a prize before I launch my campaign
Mohan says
Thanks for that exhaustive list of things to do. But the problem is ‘PERSEVERANCE’… Every person does thinks of doing something at such issues, but forget the need over a period of time. So, we land up back in square 1. Sure, look forward for your campaign.
Naveen K R says
half a billion bottles??… No Way! You must be kidding me..
Mohan says
Wish those numbers were wrong.. but that is reality!
nalini hebbar says
sometimes I wonder if there is anything going right in this world!
Mohan says
Hehehe.. you question is as good as mine!
Purba says
Nuclear waste, discarded plastic bottles! We are the world’s junkyard. How sad.
Mohan says
True.. we have become the cheap dumping yard…
hitesh says
really nice video… well though i differ with the situation here… yes… the things she said were true… but that’s US and think not at all relevant to India …….I mean i don’t think there are people who are consuming so much of bottled water ……atleast from where i come from…….people are dependent on Tap water….and for safety……we use to have filters or Aquagaurd…..which isn’t at all bad or expensive or waste of money…………… I always used to say….. “I have lived 20 years drinking….Noida’s tap water……now i’m immune to any water borne disease
yea…i agree with the marketing techniques these bottled water people are acquiring to make profit ……which “is” influencing the people’s mind……
I don’t know the solution……….but changes need to be made………….
and about dumping plastic in India…………India have been a dumping ground for US …….and it’s not their fault…our government approves that….thinking they can recycle it and can make profit …..over the money US gives for dumping the shit into our backyard……….but they haven’t been efficient in recycling too…….India is the largest dumping ground for E-Waste……..Developed countries pay India for dumping their ……computer, mobiles…..and other E-waste which they can’t handle………
i hope this situation improves…….
Mohan says
This dumping of wastes from other countries doesn’t stop unless we do our bit from rejecting some of their shi*. This can only happen when we resist to accept the dump for which each one of us need to contribute.
ramyasadasivam says
You are so socially responsible, I am going to tweet this.
Mohan says
Thanks Ramya! well, we all should bear that responsibility. I read a tweet by someone which said “Save the planet? Planet must be saying, Save yourself idiots, I will be fine”
wise donkey says
bottles if they have bpa are probably worse for the person..
Mohan says
It is indeed carcinogenic to consume water in low quality bottles repeatedly.
Krishna Chaitanya says
Superb video! It pretty much nails the bottled water hype in the US. But in the US, tap water is considered safe to drink. Sadly, it is the other way around in few areas of rural Andhra Pradesh largely because of low water quality and fluoride issues. It is really heart breaking to even see the people affected with fluoride water. There have also been multiple instances across south India where drinking water was contaminated with sewage water. And of course, there is the water shortage problem. Unless issues like these are addressed first, bottled water will always be preferred to tap water.
Mohan says
Water is the basic need and though there have been many steps taken towards providing *safe* drinking water to all, the corruption is the spoil sport in most of the cases. Unless corruption is alleviated nothing works for the betterment of our fellow citizens lifestyle.
Savvy says
You hav a gr8 Blog Mohan, and the large no. Of comments on your Blog just prove that. . I’m happy that i came to check ur Blog. . It was my pleasure.
Mohan says
Thanks Savvy! Welcome and look forward to see you more often