The much awaited Tax Calculator for financial year 2010-11 has been released by ynithya on his site. Feel free to download the same and use for better planning of your hard earned money. I have been using his tax calculator which is in the form of Microsoft Excel (xls) for over 3 years now and I must admit, this is one of the best ways to keep track of your tax liability. You can make appropriate adjustments towards investments to save the max on tax! Instead of cribbing about tax planning later in the financial year, it is better to start now and make wise investments.
The tax calculator has been very illustrative with various components of your salary like Basic, HRA, Professional tax, Conveyance etc., It automatically calculates the PF and takes into consideration for rebate under section 80C. Also if you have opted for VPF even that will be consider. Best part of this tax calculator is that you can enter HRA/Home loan, Insurance, Mutual funds, Infrastructure bond etc., details in appropriate places, it adjusts your tax amount accordingly and there by with a monthly break up. If tax is getting deducted at source, you have an option to mention that as well for the calculation purpose and change the remaining number of months for TDS deduction.
With the help of this tax calculator, you upfront know what all you investments you need to focus on. If you are living in a Metro city, you can update that information too to avail 50% of basic towards HRA. Just to let you folks know, apart from regular 1 lac deduction u/s 80C, there is a provision to invest another 20k in infrastructure bonds. So, you can make a max of 1.2k exemption from income under section 80C. Go ahead plan your systematic investments right away and you don’t need to feel the urgency towards the end of the financial year. You can download the tax calculator here.
This tax calculator can be used for tax planning to calculate the approximate tax payable by salaried individuals. This should NOT be used to compute the actual taxes to be paid to the Government. The author/publisher is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the tax computed by this calculator. If you find any inconsistency/inaccuracy, please do let the author know at the earliest.
Priya says
Mohan – do you have the income tax calculator for the year 2012-13? Please do share, it will be very useful for people like me.
dinesh says
hi which technology used..i mean coding…
Mohan says
Sorry, i didn’t get your question right. What were you referring to?
Prakash G. says
I would like to invest 15000 Rupees which is deficit to 1 lac I committed at my work place also want to invest Rs 15000 from my wife’s earning. These investments are not monthly, its yearly. Can I go for any pension plan? Please suggest me a risk free plan.
Ankur A says
apart from regular 1 lac deduction u/s 80C, there is a provision to invest another 20k in infrastructure bonds — has it started from this year or was it before also?
Mohan says
Yes, it is effective financial year 2010-11
Roopa says
Hi Mohan,
Very useful information. Thx a lot !!!
Mohan says
Glad that was useful to you Roopa!
Arjit says
This is going to be very useful for my father. Thank you!
Mohan says
You are most welcome Arjit!
Swaram says
Oh God bless u! Very very important!
Mohan says
You’r most welcome! Good to see a huge number of professionals adopting this early in the financial year
Swaram says
LOL .. so very important
Mohan says
Yes it is!
Ad-it-i says
hey mohan… very helful!!!
Mohan says
Glad it was useful to you! Btw.. what is so special in writing ur name as Ad-it-i?
Ad-it-i says
hahah… well whenever I have tried using aditi as username I never got it since it was forever used by someone else…!!! Hence my eternal username has been Ad-it-i and hence the habit of writing it this way!!!
Mohan says
Creative way to find an unique identity
jayant bhat says
Thanks Mohan. Good one.
Mohan says
You are most welcome!
Shankha says
Really useful post! I have one from the company I work for, but will download this one too.
Mohan says
Please do share the other one too if it is permitted!
Jayanta Deka says
It will be helpful definitely. Your blog is becoming a den of information. Great work.
Mohan says
Thanks Jayanta!
Karan A says
Thnx Mohan, this will be helpful!
Mohan says
Yup it will be certainly helpful. Start using it religiously month after month, you will be able to manage your finance better and there by better tax planning
Roshmi (Musings of an Unknown Indian) says
Informative… as usual
Mohan says
hehehe… Thank you so much Roshmi