My dad’s driving licence validity was about to expire in less than a fortnight. To renew the same, I did a bit of search on the mighty web and gathered all the required information. This information is available on the Karnataka state RTO website. Since my dad was above 50 years, all it required was to submit 2 forms. CMV-9 is the form to be filled by applicant for DL renewal while another form CMV-1 needs to be filled by a registered doctor certifying that the applicant is medically fit to drive vehicles on Indian roads. To be doubly sure, I called up a near by driving school on the procedure to get it renewed. The person who picked up my call said they need the original DL with 3 passport size photos and a fee of Rs 400/-. I asked him about the medical fitness certificate, he laughed at me and said they will take care of all those formalities. And he mentioned in a very confident voice that I don’t have to waste my time in running to govt offices. I thanked him for the information provided and decided to get it renewed without having to go through illegal ways.
I prompty took my dad to the RTO office in Jayanagar and collected both the forms available at reception. RTO Office is on 4th floor. Now, we had to get the medical fitness certificate. Our family doctor’s clinic is close to this office and we were about to head towards the clinic. While we were taking stairs, my dad noticed a sign board of a red medical cross. He suggested to go and talk to that doctor to get the fitness form. When I carefully observed that sign board, it wasn’t a clinic of a doctor. But it had a mention of “medical fitness certificates” service availability. On the outlook, that store had a photocopying machine and a whole bunch of forms that I saw in the RTO reception. That store keeper was selling those *FREE* forms at a *nominal* cost! When I asked him about the fitness certificate he just asked me for a passport sized photograph, name of the applicant and a *FEE* of Rs. 50/-. I was reluctant and asked him the whereabouts of a doctor. He said, you don’t have to panic about all those things, furnish the 3 pre-requisites and he will get it done in less than 5 minutes! We said thanks but denied his *service*. We got the medical fitness certificate from our family doctor. Submitted the application forms along with a renewal fee or Rs 50/- at the RTO cash counter. Then gave the license at the counter for renewal which we had to collect on the next working day.
All that we spent for renewing the driving license was just Rs. 75/- (50 at RTO counter and 25 to the doctor). Now the question on my mind… though these illegal operators are widespread, why is that the RTO officials not taking any action? The worst is that the medical certificate providers are in the same building! Do the RTO officials ever wake up and take stringent action on these people? No wonder we have so many accidents happening on roads. Who should be punished for these accidents? any answers?
Dear RTO officials – any of you reading this?
Deepak says
Thank you for giving information about license renewal and also about the documents, photos, pin, cover and very important time and money.
Deepak says
Thank you for giving information about license renewal and also about the documents, photos, pin, cover and very important time and money.
Srinivasa says
And also
The KA03 RTO earlier located at Indiranagar BDA complex is not relocated at :
Address: 3rd C Main Rd, East of NGEF Layout, Kasturi Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560016
Srinivasa says
And also
The KA03 RTO earlier located at Indiranagar BDA complex is not relocated at :
Address: 3rd C Main Rd, East of NGEF Layout, Kasturi Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560016
Srinivasa says
My experience, in the afternoonn yesterday, at KA03 RTO ( earlier Indiranagar RTO ) :
Background : All this while, I was carrying two licenses – one for 2-wheeler and another one for 4-wheeler originally issues form Nagur ( MH31 ) RTO. Both expired since I turned 50.
The two wheeler license was earlier renewed at KA03 RTO itself in 2007, so there was no hassle at the RTO for accepting the same for renewal.
The 4-wheeler license story was very different !
The RTO outright rejected my application for the 4-wheeler licenese renewal. The Supdt at RTO insisted that I procure and produce an original NOC from Nagpur RTO from where it was originally issued. The ARTO also ‘threw’ me out, since, carrying two licenses ( any mix ) is an offense and illegal per MV act. Which is why I was eager to fix the exposure and secure one legal license with two endorsements. I read in some sites that some RTO’s accept a request letter to the issuing RTO and do not insist for the NOC itsels – this was not so in my case
With help from local folks at Nagpur RTO, I managed to secure an NOC. All this takes is a simple letter requesting for the NOC and a copy of the license + Fees.
Once I submitted the original NOC at KA03 RTO for renewing my 4-wheeler license at 3PM, the process worked without any hassle. Barring the 2+ hours wasted since the server was out, I had to spend about 45 mins overall. It was almost 5pm when the server was up and I finished my bio-metrics, got an ok from the superintendent, got clearance from ARTO, submitted to the clerk for the acknowledgement – all in all a positive experience considering they close around 5pm.
In my case, the RTO will now go about cancelling my two-wheeler license, renewew my 4-wheeler license + address change and then add in the two wheeler endorsement into the renewed 4-wheeler license.
I’ve received an acknowledgement for the application and will now wait for 30 working days to receive my new renewed license.
Some learnings :
– while there are several ‘agents’ around to ‘help’ out, one can definitely get work done by oneself, if the necessary documentation is clean and clear. I suggest that ‘’ site be used to study requirements and apply online too. Then take printouts to the RTO for physical checks and bio-metrics etc
– all kinds of rules and hurdles will be thrown your way in cse the supportig documentation is not available or not in place. This conditin becomes a trigger for ‘bypasses’ and ‘agent’s’ involvement
– BTW, expired licenses can very well be renewed till 5 years from expiry – you need to pay nominal penalty. However, the exposure arises out of driving with expired licenese – no good to do that
P.S. Mr Thomas, the Superintendent was consistely helpful and interacted politely, guided me clearly. He is one go-to man at this RTO.
Go prepared with :
– Form 9
– Form 1
– Form 1A – Dr Lokesh who is available at nearby Manju Clinic will certify and charges Rs 100
– two photographs – one for Form 9, other for Medical certificate
– application on plain paper requesting for addres change
– application on plain paper requesting for ‘combining / merging ‘ the two licenses
– stapler
– self addresed enevelop with Rs18 stamp on it
– copy of address proof ( and original if they ask for verification )
– request letter copy and original NOC letter from issuing RTO
– original license(s)
All forms are downloadable.
Temporarily pin-up all the above and submit to the Superintendent for verification
– if all documents are in order, he will mention the fees to be paid and ask to see the ARTO
– the ARTO needs to clear the application
– pay the fees
– get your bio-metrics done
– confirm back to the superintendent who will ask to submit the whole, securely pinned, bunch to a clerk on the next table
– clerk will ‘inward’ the application and handover an acknowledgement
– acknowledgement is good for 30 working days and substitutes a license – do not lose this
Good luck to all those who are trying to get their licenses renewed
Srinivasa says
Hre’s an update. yesterday the RTO folks called me to pay Rs 500 towards license clubbing fee. I’ve paid the same and now told to expect the clubbed license with two endorsements for 4 and 3 – wheeler classes, in a week.
Fingers crossed !
Srinivasa says
Got my license this day – single license with endorsements for 2 and 4- wheeler category’s.
Mohan says
Congratulations Srinivasa!
Srinivasa says
My experience, in the afternoonn yesterday, at KA03 RTO ( earlier Indiranagar RTO ) :
Background : All this while, I was carrying two licenses – one for 2-wheeler and another one for 4-wheeler originally issues form Nagur ( MH31 ) RTO. Both expired since I turned 50.
The two wheeler license was earlier renewed at KA03 RTO itself in 2007, so there was no hassle at the RTO for accepting the same for renewal.
The 4-wheeler license story was very different !
The RTO outright rejected my application for the 4-wheeler licenese renewal. The Supdt at RTO insisted that I procure and produce an original NOC from Nagpur RTO from where it was originally issued. The ARTO also ‘threw’ me out, since, carrying two licenses ( any mix ) is an offense and illegal per MV act. Which is why I was eager to fix the exposure and secure one legal license with two endorsements. I read in some sites that some RTO’s accept a request letter to the issuing RTO and do not insist for the NOC itsels – this was not so in my case
With help from local folks at Nagpur RTO, I managed to secure an NOC. All this takes is a simple letter requesting for the NOC and a copy of the license + Fees.
Once I submitted the original NOC at KA03 RTO for renewing my 4-wheeler license at 3PM, the process worked without any hassle. Barring the 2+ hours wasted since the server was out, I had to spend about 45 mins overall. It was almost 5pm when the server was up and I finished my bio-metrics, got an ok from the superintendent, got clearance from ARTO, submitted to the clerk for the acknowledgement – all in all a positive experience considering they close around 5pm.
In my case, the RTO will now go about cancelling my two-wheeler license, renewew my 4-wheeler license + address change and then add in the two wheeler endorsement into the renewed 4-wheeler license.
I’ve received an acknowledgement for the application and will now wait for 30 working days to receive my new renewed license.
Some learnings :
– while there are several ‘agents’ around to ‘help’ out, one can definitely get work done by oneself, if the necessary documentation is clean and clear. I suggest that ‘’ site be used to study requirements and apply online too. Then take printouts to the RTO for physical checks and bio-metrics etc
– all kinds of rules and hurdles will be thrown your way in cse the supportig documentation is not available or not in place. This conditin becomes a trigger for ‘bypasses’ and ‘agent’s’ involvement
– BTW, expired licenses can very well be renewed till 5 years from expiry – you need to pay nominal penalty. However, the exposure arises out of driving with expired licenese – no good to do that
P.S. Mr Thomas, the Superintendent was consistely helpful and interacted politely, guided me clearly. He is one go-to man at this RTO.
Go prepared with :
– Form 9
– Form 1
– Form 1A – Dr Lokesh who is available at nearby Manju Clinic will certify and charges Rs 100
– two photographs – one for Form 9, other for Medical certificate
– application on plain paper requesting for addres change
– application on plain paper requesting for ‘combining / merging ‘ the two licenses
– stapler
– self addresed enevelop with Rs18 stamp on it
– copy of address proof ( and original if they ask for verification )
– request letter copy and original NOC letter from issuing RTO
– original license(s)
All forms are downloadable.
Temporarily pin-up all the above and submit to the Superintendent for verification
– if all documents are in order, he will mention the fees to be paid and ask to see the ARTO
– the ARTO needs to clear the application
– pay the fees
– get your bio-metrics done
– confirm back to the superintendent who will ask to submit the whole, securely pinned, bunch to a clerk on the next table
– clerk will ‘inward’ the application and handover an acknowledgement
– acknowledgement is good for 30 working days and substitutes a license – do not lose this
Good luck to all those who are trying to get their licenses renewed
Srinivasa says
Hre’s an update. yesterday the RTO folks called me to pay Rs 500 towards license clubbing fee. I’ve paid the same and now told to expect the clubbed license with two endorsements for 4 and 3 – wheeler classes, in a week.
Fingers crossed !
Srinivasa says
Got my license this day – single license with endorsements for 2 and 4- wheeler category’s.
Pradeep says
Hi everybody my name is pradeep. I have a lmv DL on 2000 I have license service 17 yrs. Now I wan to apply for badge . my problem is when I applied for DL in tamilnadu the date of birth is 1980 but in my school college everything its 1983. How can I change into 1983. Can I get badge licence in tamilnadu or in Karnataka… I don’t know the procedure to do. If I ask any driving school they used to say to happy for new driving licence… Pls give me a remedy for this… I want to have my new badge license in the date of birth of 1983 as per my transfer certificate…
Raj says
I had done my license renewal (outside Karnataka License) today in KA-51 Electronics City office. I would like to post my experience details here to help others.
a) I had obtained an NOC from the previous RTO (Coimbatore) through my father. Please note it is required only for license issued outside state. Looks like the agent charged 350/- and took two days when it can be done directly in the RTO for 50/-. The best part is for outside state license, you don’t need an NOC . All you need is a copy of the letter written to the current license issuing authority (RTO office) seeking the NOC and the acknowledgement slip from the RTO for receiving your letter through Speed Post/Registered Post.
b) I had visited the RTO and went to the license renewal section (Room 4) yesterday morning at 10:00 AM. The official who checks the forms did not arrive till 10:40 AM and later it was mentioned that she was on leave. The other official then checked the forms and then asked me to pay Rs.370/- in the fee counter. By the time my turn had come to pay the fee, it was 11:10 AM and I could already see the queue growing to around 100+ people and moving very slowly. I returned back home.
C) I went again today at 09:45 AM and stood in line. I was 5th in the queue to meet the Asst RTO who verifies the documents(Room 1). I could have paid the fee yesterday which I didn’t do. So, I had asked my relative to pay the fee while I was in the queue for meeting Asst. RTO. RTO started checking the forms at 10:30 AM. He quickly checked for expiry date of license and the NOC and verified my Original passport for ID and address proof and signed the forms and I was out of Room 1 by around 10:40 AM.
d) Soon after getting the forms signed, I got a token for BioMetrics from security and went to Room 8, got it done in 5 mins and returned to Room 4 for data entry. There were few people before me in the queue and it took another 10 minutes for the data entry. After data entry was over, I was asked to submit the forms to another official in the room who made an entry in the file and handed over an acknowledgement with 45 days as waiting period for the new license.
The whole process was over in a matter of 30 minutes + waiting time of 1 hour.
For more detailed information on forms and process, read this thread
1) Go to the RTO office around 10:30 AM or later, get your documents verified and signed by the official with details of fees to be paid and then pay the required fees.
2) Go again next day around 09:45 AM and wait in the queue for verifying documents. This will ensure you complete the whole process within 2 hours.
3) Application forms are available in the help desk.
4) Application forms, small plastic cover for placing your old license as well as Cloth cover affixed with Rs.17/- stamp is available in petty shops opposite RTO. The petty shop owner was willing to give a medical certificate for Rs.100/- with Doctor’s sign and seal which I did not take as it was not required in my case.
5) It looks like RTO Jayanagar is not renewing license as per experience from my friend. Also, I heard that it can be renewed in any RTO irrespective of address but this has to be verified.
Mohan says
Thats a very helpful piece of information Raj. Would it be fine with you if i publish as a separate post for the better benefit of all?
Raj says
I had done my license renewal (outside Karnataka License) today in KA-51 Electronics City office. I would like to post my experience details here to help others.
a) I had obtained an NOC from the previous RTO (Coimbatore) through my father. Please note it is required only for license issued outside state. Looks like the agent charged 350/- and took two days when it can be done directly in the RTO for 50/-. The best part is for outside state license, you don’t need an NOC . All you need is a copy of the letter written to the current license issuing authority (RTO office) seeking the NOC and the acknowledgement slip from the RTO for receiving your letter through Speed Post/Registered Post.
b) I had visited the RTO and went to the license renewal section (Room 4) yesterday morning at 10:00 AM. The official who checks the forms did not arrive till 10:40 AM and later it was mentioned that she was on leave. The other official then checked the forms and then asked me to pay Rs.370/- in the fee counter. By the time my turn had come to pay the fee, it was 11:10 AM and I could already see the queue growing to around 100+ people and moving very slowly. I returned back home.
C) I went again today at 09:45 AM and stood in line. I was 5th in the queue to meet the Asst RTO who verifies the documents(Room 1). I could have paid the fee yesterday which I didn’t do. So, I had asked my relative to pay the fee while I was in the queue for meeting Asst. RTO. RTO started checking the forms at 10:30 AM. He quickly checked for expiry date of license and the NOC and verified my Original passport for ID and address proof and signed the forms and I was out of Room 1 by around 10:40 AM.
d) Soon after getting the forms signed, I got a token for BioMetrics from security and went to Room 8, got it done in 5 mins and returned to Room 4 for data entry. There were few people before me in the queue and it took another 10 minutes for the data entry. After data entry was over, I was asked to submit the forms to another official in the room who made an entry in the file and handed over an acknowledgement with 45 days as waiting period for the new license.
The whole process was over in a matter of 30 minutes + waiting time of 1 hour.
For more detailed information on forms and process, read this thread
1) Go to the RTO office around 10:30 AM or later, get your documents verified and signed by the official with details of fees to be paid and then pay the required fees.
2) Go again next day around 09:45 AM and wait in the queue for verifying documents. This will ensure you complete the whole process within 2 hours.
3) Application forms are available in the help desk.
4) Application forms, small plastic cover for placing your old license as well as Cloth cover affixed with Rs.17/- stamp is available in petty shops opposite RTO. The petty shop owner was willing to give a medical certificate for Rs.100/- with Doctor’s sign and seal which I did not take as it was not required in my case.
5) It looks like RTO Jayanagar is not renewing license as per experience from my friend. Also, I heard that it can be renewed in any RTO irrespective of address but this has to be verified.
Mohan says
Thats a very helpful piece of information Raj. Would it be fine with you if i publish as a separate post for the better benefit of all?
Dr. B S Rathod L R says
You have given more valuable suggestion about D L and Renewal of D L this blog is very helpful to know the reality of RTO. GREAT Thanks to u.
Ramachandra S says
Documents required(1) Filled form No CMV9.(2) Medical forms CMV1 and CMV 1A (3) Original DL in a Plastic pouch(4) photos(5) One self addressed 25/stamped envelope.(6) Rs 250/ in the counter(7) Stappler/pin to pin all the documents(8) Gum to paste your photo(9) One hour free time in the morning hours( Before Lunch). Beware of Touts. They ask you Rs1500/ for all these works with your presence required for photo session
Lakshminarayana says
thnx for giving information about license renewal and also about the documents, photos, pin, cover and very important time and money.
Ramachandra S says
Documents required(1) Filled form No CMV9.(2) Medical forms CMV1 and CMV 1A (3) Original DL in a Plastic pouch(4) photos(5) One self addressed 25/stamped envelope.(6) Rs 250/ in the counter(7) Stappler/pin to pin all the documents(8) Gum to paste your photo(9) One hour free time in the morning hours( Before Lunch). Beware of Touts. They ask you Rs1500/ for all these works with your presence required for photo session
Lakshminarayana says
thnx for giving information about license renewal and also about the documents, photos, pin, cover and very important time and money.
Ramachandra S says
My DL was due for renewal since I attained 50 yrs. Rs 100/ for doctor for medical certificate ( 9.45 am) .Reached RTO office at Mallathahalli (Jnanabharathi RTO) at 10 am. First filled up verification at Counter No 13{Cellar room). Then gone to pay fees in Ground floor ( Rs 250/ including all charges). Once more came to Room No 15 ( Cellar) for photo session. Then handed over the application at Counter No 13. Over by 10.45! Amt spent 250+100+25/(stamp)+10(Stationery)
Ramachandra S says
My DL was due for renewal since I attained 50 yrs. Rs 100/ for doctor for medical certificate ( 9.45 am) .Reached RTO office at Mallathahalli (Jnanabharathi RTO) at 10 am. First filled up verification at Counter No 13{Cellar room). Then gone to pay fees in Ground floor ( Rs 250/ including all charges). Once more came to Room No 15 ( Cellar) for photo session. Then handed over the application at Counter No 13. Over by 10.45! Amt spent 250+100+25/(stamp)+10(Stationery)
P.R.Ramaswamy says
I’m a senior citizen. My DL was issued last by RTO, Yelehanka. I gave my application on 11.02.15. The website states that the renewed licence can be collected after 4 p.m the same day. But I was told that I will only get it by post within a month. When I said about what is mentioned in the website I am told that it is not applicable for Govt. of Karnataka. I was given a slip of paper valid for one month in acknowledgement of my original plastic card licence. Though one month is over I have not got my DL. I wonder why the Government of Karnataka is fooling people and extorting money. I spent about Rs.500 in all. There are touts selling forms, folders, covers etc. I had to collect only the MC from the Govt. doctor for which I paid besides Rs.100 a tip of Rs.100/-
P.R.Ramaswamy says
I’m a senior citizen. My DL was issued last by RTO, Yelehanka. I gave my application on 11.02.15. The website states that the renewed licence can be collected after 4 p.m the same day. But I was told that I will only get it by post within a month. When I said about what is mentioned in the website I am told that it is not applicable for Govt. of Karnataka. I was given a slip of paper valid for one month in acknowledgement of my original plastic card licence. Though one month is over I have not got my DL. I wonder why the Government of Karnataka is fooling people and extorting money. I spent about Rs.500 in all. There are touts selling forms, folders, covers etc. I had to collect only the MC from the Govt. doctor for which I paid besides Rs.100 a tip of Rs.100/-
wondercat says
Mine is non-karnataka one. On Friday, I went to RTO Indiranagar. The person at counter 4 asked me for NOC. When I asked for alternative, he told me to meet ARTO. He also informed to get NOC otherwise it may take 3 months. I called up the driving school and checked if they could get NOC. They said it’d cost 800/- for booklet DL and 1200/- if it’s smart card. But I thought of giving it a try at KR Puram. What a surprise. No NOC. Paid the required fee and completed the whole process in 1 hr. Here they insist on putting all the documents in a brown file which is available with the vendors outside. The people were very co-operative. I didn’t pay any bribe.
srini says
what are the documents you provide to renew the licence. Have you gone through the same tests like medical test, driving test etc….
wondercat says
There is no test involved here. Only the medical certificate is needed
DL says
Thanks wondercat. Your comments helped me also. I also renewed my non-karnataka DL last month from KR Puram without paying any bribe or brokerage charges.
Officials are very helpful at KR Puram RTO. I was guided starting from medical to the final submission without asking any money.
VK says
How long does it take to receive the license after renewal?
My license is expiring in 45 days. I heard that you can only renew it after it has expired. Does anyone know if it can be renewed before expiration?
Rajesh Menon says
I relocated to Bangalore from Chennai 3 years back. My driving license issued in Tamilnadu is expiring soon . I would like to know what the formalities are for change of address and state
Rajesh Menon says
I relocated to Bangalore from Chennai 3 years back. My driving license issued in Tamilnadu is expiring soon . I would like to know what the formalities are for change of address and state
N.Balasubramanian says
Dear Mohan, Can you please tell me how many days (approx) will it take for the Renewed Licence to be sent by Registered Post by RTO (at Bangalore) to the concerned person. I have already finished all renewal formalities and handed over Stamped and Self Addressed Enevelope to the RTO on 4th July. Thanks.
N.Balasubramanian says
Dear Mohan, Can you please tell me how many days (approx) will it take for the Renewed Licence to be sent by Registered Post by RTO (at Bangalore) to the concerned person. I have already finished all renewal formalities and handed over Stamped and Self Addressed Enevelope to the RTO on 4th July. Thanks.
Sri says
My DL is about to expire. I check Form 1 and Form 1A. Since i am over 40. I need to get a Certificate from a Government Doctor?
But, Who exactly is a Government Doctor – Someone who works in a Government Hospital or anyone with a MBBS Degree?
Could you clarify please
Sri says
My DL is about to expire. I check Form 1 and Form 1A. Since i am over 40. I need to get a Certificate from a Government Doctor?
But, Who exactly is a Government Doctor – Someone who works in a Government Hospital or anyone with a MBBS Degree?
Could you clarify please
shivaprakash.s says
I have my Driving license (two wheeler) renewal on june 2015. I got my driving license from Chikamagalur, now i am living in bangalore so can i get my license renewal in bangalore RTO. Please suggest me the procedure of license renewal procedure.
H N Bade says
I lost my driving license in local journey and applied for a fresh one & submited to rto with fee but the not send by post ulhasnagar rto may find reason
H N Bade says
I lost my driving license in local journey and applied for a fresh one & submited to rto with fee but the not send by post ulhasnagar rto may find reason
Kavitha Reddy says
Mohan, Thanks for your Blog. Is there any age limit to apply Driving lincence? My dad is now 62 and is he elligible for applying 4 wheeler DL? He is having 2 wheeler DL.
Shilpa says
Kavitha, I got it renewed for my dad recently. There is no upper limit on the age as long as the driver is medically fit to drive. However, post 60 years of age, the RTO issues license valid only for 5 years. It can be renewed again based on the medical fitness.
Kavitha Reddy says
Mohan, Thanks for your Blog. Is there any age limit to apply Driving lincence? My dad is now 62 and is he elligible for applying 4 wheeler DL? He is having 2 wheeler DL.
Shilpa says
Kavitha, I got it renewed for my dad recently. There is no upper limit on the age as long as the driver is medically fit to drive. However, post 60 years of age, the RTO issues license valid only for 5 years. It can be renewed again based on the medical fitness.
Gopinath says
Is it not mandatory to get the medical certificate from the Govt appointed Doctor for renwal of DL?…. Family doctor’s certificate is enough??
Alam shaikh says
Sir ji mera hubli ka dl h lekin card wala dl kho gaya h kya card wala dl yahan se ban sakta h
Alam shaikh says
Sir ji mera hubli ka dl h lekin card wala dl kho gaya h kya card wala dl yahan se ban sakta h
Ketan says
Hi Mohan and others,
We reside in Chennai and need to get my Dad’s DL renewed here, unfortunately as I’m unable to get correct info on the ‘mighty’ web I am approaching you for some specific info.
My dad is around 83 years of age and thankfully still agile and still drives my mum (and sometimes me) around in his little Alto, very safely and carefully, I might add.
His present DL expires in about a year and I wanted to enquire if there is an upper age limit for renewal of DL .
If yes, cud someone pls advise what it is?
Ketan says
Hi Mohan and others,
We reside in Chennai and need to get my Dad’s DL renewed here, unfortunately as I’m unable to get correct info on the ‘mighty’ web I am approaching you for some specific info.
My dad is around 83 years of age and thankfully still agile and still drives my mum (and sometimes me) around in his little Alto, very safely and carefully, I might add.
His present DL expires in about a year and I wanted to enquire if there is an upper age limit for renewal of DL .
If yes, cud someone pls advise what it is?
Pravin says
Checklist for license at RTO’S
Step1: Learning licence
Step2: Permanent driving licence
You would need an age proof and address proof, along with corresponding originals documents.
Common age proofs- 10th class marksheet or PAN card.
Address Proof is complicated. If you are an outsider, staying in a rented apartment, then you would compulsorily need 2 address proofs, both for your local address as well as your permanent address.
Local address proof- A rental agreement carrying your name as “tenant” and your landlord’s name as “owner”, along with electricity bill in your owner’s name will suffice.
Permanent Address proof- Your Voter card or Passport mentioning your permanent address would suffice. If you are a localite, i.e, your permanent address is same as local address, then only permanent address alone will suffice.
You would need a few passport sized photographs
Pravin says
Checklist for license at RTO’S
Step1: Learning licence
Step2: Permanent driving licence
You would need an age proof and address proof, along with corresponding originals documents.
Common age proofs- 10th class marksheet or PAN card.
Address Proof is complicated. If you are an outsider, staying in a rented apartment, then you would compulsorily need 2 address proofs, both for your local address as well as your permanent address.
Local address proof- A rental agreement carrying your name as “tenant” and your landlord’s name as “owner”, along with electricity bill in your owner’s name will suffice.
Permanent Address proof- Your Voter card or Passport mentioning your permanent address would suffice. If you are a localite, i.e, your permanent address is same as local address, then only permanent address alone will suffice.
You would need a few passport sized photographs
Vijay Kumar Voruganti says
I would like to share my pleasant experience with the RTO, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, when I went there for the renewal of my DL. I had a DL issued in Maharashtra (Gondia) and wanted to change my address to Bengaluru and also renew it, as it was due next month. When I visited the RTO on 23rd , one Mr. H. Thandavewara, F.D. Asst. was there , sharp at 10 a.m. at the counter. He checked the papers, approved them and directed me to the Asst. RTO Mr. P.B. Nagraj, as his approval was needed, as the DL was issued in other State. Mr. Nagraj was also very polite, courteous, helpful and immediately signed on the appln. and directed me back to Sri Thandaveswara. He immediately calculated the fee to be paid an directed me to the cash counter and for a photo session. The entire job was over in less than 15 minutes in a pleasant manner. Mr. H.B. Thandaveswara too, I find was quite very well experienced, good and helpful. I would like to sincerely place on record my heart felt appreciation of the cooperation of Mr. H.B.Thandaveswara, F.D.Asst and Mr. P.B. Nagraj, Asst. RTO. Last but not the least, I believe this was the experience of every one who visited the RTO , Indiranagar on 23rd and 25th – file No. 8807614. I could see satisfaction on the faces of everyone who interacted with the Officers/staff there. There was no necessity for any middlemen. Keep it up.
#AccheDinAaGaye #NammaBengaluru #faithrestored
Sachin says
dear mohan this is the same day as your’s when today my father told me that within two days my licence is going to be expired i was just searching for the procedure of renewing because i also don ‘t want to renew through brokers so when i read your incident and your experience i understood every thing and as very rightly said that until and unless citizens cum govt don’t co-operate togather this system is not going to be right
Mohan says
Haha.. thanks for reconfirming that I am not alone in this world
Glad this article was of some help to you to get your Dad’s driving license renewed!