My dad’s driving licence validity was about to expire in less than a fortnight. To renew the same, I did a bit of search on the mighty web and gathered all the required information. This information is available on the Karnataka state RTO website. Since my dad was above 50 years, all it required was to submit 2 forms. CMV-9 is the form to be filled by applicant for DL renewal while another form CMV-1 needs to be filled by a registered doctor certifying that the applicant is medically fit to drive vehicles on Indian roads. To be doubly sure, I called up a near by driving school on the procedure to get it renewed. The person who picked up my call said they need the original DL with 3 passport size photos and a fee of Rs 400/-. I asked him about the medical fitness certificate, he laughed at me and said they will take care of all those formalities. And he mentioned in a very confident voice that I don’t have to waste my time in running to govt offices. I thanked him for the information provided and decided to get it renewed without having to go through illegal ways.
I prompty took my dad to the RTO office in Jayanagar and collected both the forms available at reception. RTO Office is on 4th floor. Now, we had to get the medical fitness certificate. Our family doctor’s clinic is close to this office and we were about to head towards the clinic. While we were taking stairs, my dad noticed a sign board of a red medical cross. He suggested to go and talk to that doctor to get the fitness form. When I carefully observed that sign board, it wasn’t a clinic of a doctor. But it had a mention of “medical fitness certificates” service availability. On the outlook, that store had a photocopying machine and a whole bunch of forms that I saw in the RTO reception. That store keeper was selling those *FREE* forms at a *nominal* cost! When I asked him about the fitness certificate he just asked me for a passport sized photograph, name of the applicant and a *FEE* of Rs. 50/-. I was reluctant and asked him the whereabouts of a doctor. He said, you don’t have to panic about all those things, furnish the 3 pre-requisites and he will get it done in less than 5 minutes! We said thanks but denied his *service*. We got the medical fitness certificate from our family doctor. Submitted the application forms along with a renewal fee or Rs 50/- at the RTO cash counter. Then gave the license at the counter for renewal which we had to collect on the next working day.
All that we spent for renewing the driving license was just Rs. 75/- (50 at RTO counter and 25 to the doctor). Now the question on my mind… though these illegal operators are widespread, why is that the RTO officials not taking any action? The worst is that the medical certificate providers are in the same building! Do the RTO officials ever wake up and take stringent action on these people? No wonder we have so many accidents happening on roads. Who should be punished for these accidents? any answers?
Dear RTO officials – any of you reading this?
Narayanamoorthy D.V. says
Hi Mohan,
Thank you very much for your valuable information for Renewal of Driving licence. I am
Senior citizen and was hard pressed to get information for renewal which expires in a
Fortnight. Unless there is joint effort of Government cum Citizens nothing can be done
in this matter. The exploitation is a joint venture.
Mohan says
Dear Narayanamoorthy, thanks for your comment. Glad this article was able to get you the required information. However, please do note that if you are looking for Jayanagar RTO in Bangalore, it doesn’t exist any more. It has been moved to Jnanabharati campus. For new or renewal of DLs in South Bangalore, one needs to go there now.
Narayanamoorthy D.V. says
Hi Mohan,
Thank you very much for your valuable information for Renewal of Driving licence. I am
Senior citizen and was hard pressed to get information for renewal which expires in a
Fortnight. Unless there is joint effort of Government cum Citizens nothing can be done
in this matter. The exploitation is a joint venture.
Mohan says
Dear Narayanamoorthy, thanks for your comment. Glad this article was able to get you the required information. However, please do note that if you are looking for Jayanagar RTO in Bangalore, it doesn’t exist any more. It has been moved to Jnanabharati campus. For new or renewal of DLs in South Bangalore, one needs to go there now.
Pravin Sanghavi says
As per my experience and public feelings RTO is the one of the most corrupted department in india. Govt men emplyees sitting in RTO office never guide to public that which forms are required to be submitted for getting new license or renewal of license. Even for any forms they send us to outside pvt. agency or agent. Though govt. has made their best efforts to stop the corruption by introduce of automated driving test,but all in vein. If we try to get the license without help of agent we never success. Any minor information is not available from the counter,and after getting fully tired we compulsorily have to approach agent. Agent are marking their name on the top of the form,why RTO is allowing such form if they also have will to stop the corruption.
Mohan says
Agree with you Pravin. Unless the punishment is so severe, these officials will continue to mess with the system. There should be no question of suspension from duty when caught with corruption, but should be separated from services forever without any of the benefits. Then only things will start getting better.
Sateesh Desai says
Hi Mohan, thanks for your blog. I am following it up for the last couple of years. It has been helpful in understanding the workings of RTO in general and Driving Licence intricacies in particular. I got my DL renewed last year. After seeing some blogs on the site, I approached the RTO, Jayanagar, and got the DL renewed without paying any bribe. Of course, one needs to spend two days for it, one day at RTO and another for getting Medical Certificate from the Government doctor if one is a senior citizen like me. And it is renewed for a period of 5 years. It is cumbersome and a little exasperating for a senior citizen, who has lot of patience. I can imagine how a youngster feels when confronted with a situation like this. May be this is one of the causes for corruption. I may suggest a couple of alternatives here. One is to do away with physical presence of the licencee at RTO for renewal. And second to accept the Medical Certificate of any qualified doctor. At least these exemptions can be made for the senior citizens. Hope you will pass on this feedback to the authorities. Thanks.
Mohan says
Dear Sateesh, thank you for being a regular reader of my blog. Readers like you make me keep going strong on this space! I am very happy to see the pain you have taken at such an elderly age to do away with bribing. Yours is a very thought through suggestion and now that our Karnataka police dept head is on social network, we should be able to pass on this feedback to him. Also, please do suggest it on the public grievance section on the Karnataka RTO website. I am sure suggestions like this will make it big one day…
Pravin Sanghavi says
As per my experience and public feelings RTO is the one of the most corrupted department in india. Govt men emplyees sitting in RTO office never guide to public that which forms are required to be submitted for getting new license or renewal of license. Even for any forms they send us to outside pvt. agency or agent. Though govt. has made their best efforts to stop the corruption by introduce of automated driving test,but all in vein. If we try to get the license without help of agent we never success. Any minor information is not available from the counter,and after getting fully tired we compulsorily have to approach agent. Agent are marking their name on the top of the form,why RTO is allowing such form if they also have will to stop the corruption.
Mohan says
Agree with you Pravin. Unless the punishment is so severe, these officials will continue to mess with the system. There should be no question of suspension from duty when caught with corruption, but should be separated from services forever without any of the benefits. Then only things will start getting better.
Sateesh Desai says
Hi Mohan, thanks for your blog. I am following it up for the last couple of years. It has been helpful in understanding the workings of RTO in general and Driving Licence intricacies in particular. I got my DL renewed last year. After seeing some blogs on the site, I approached the RTO, Jayanagar, and got the DL renewed without paying any bribe. Of course, one needs to spend two days for it, one day at RTO and another for getting Medical Certificate from the Government doctor if one is a senior citizen like me. And it is renewed for a period of 5 years. It is cumbersome and a little exasperating for a senior citizen, who has lot of patience. I can imagine how a youngster feels when confronted with a situation like this. May be this is one of the causes for corruption. I may suggest a couple of alternatives here. One is to do away with physical presence of the licencee at RTO for renewal. And second to accept the Medical Certificate of any qualified doctor. At least these exemptions can be made for the senior citizens. Hope you will pass on this feedback to the authorities. Thanks.
Mohan says
Dear Sateesh, thank you for being a regular reader of my blog. Readers like you make me keep going strong on this space! I am very happy to see the pain you have taken at such an elderly age to do away with bribing. Yours is a very thought through suggestion and now that our Karnataka police dept head is on social network, we should be able to pass on this feedback to him. Also, please do suggest it on the public grievance section on the Karnataka RTO website. I am sure suggestions like this will make it big one day…
prakash says
I think the job of getting the DL and other RTO Works is as difficult as any other Govt work like Property Registration etc hence there should be a agency approved by Govt to do this kind of job by collecting service charges only and should give receipt for payments received. They should get the job done without bribing the Govt employees , like the Insurance agents etc.There will be job opportunity to some people , and there will be transparency .
Reshma says
Thanks Mohan for this blog. I could mentally prepare well for the ordeal that I had to go through in the RTO for my requirements.
I have a little different experience that I thought I will pen down in this discussion forum for people visiting Battrahalli, KR Puram RTO. My response is a little lengthy, please bear with me.
My experience in Battrahalli RTO when I went for License Renewal and Issue of Smart Card
My Requirement:
2-wheeler License Renewal
Change of address
Request for a combined smart card – 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler
Documents and things to carry from home:
2 passport size photographs
Original 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler license
Stapler with pins/paper tag
White sheet (1 or 2)
Address proof (Adhaar card/Phone bill)
Preferable time to get the work done: 11AM – 1.30PM or 2.45 to 4.30PM
1.30 – 2.30 is lunch break.
Go to Jyoti services – behind the Battrahalli RTO office – collect 3 forms– License Renewal form where you mention your name, address and vehicle details, the 2nd one for the Medical officer to fill in for you, the 3rd form is for change of address.
Pay R38 –for stamped postal cover for Speed Post (the Smart Card will be sent in that cover within a period of 30 days) and two brown covers to submit your documents and those 3 forms.
Then I was directed to Lakshmi clinic little further down to get your Medical form filled and attested by the Surgeon. The clinic took R100 (no receipts provided) for just a signature and one rude stare by the doctor, no questions asked.
Write a letter on the white sheet to the RTO, KR Puram requesting to combine the 2 licenses into a smart card.
Go to 1st floor Room No.3 and submit these documents for them to review and for them to assess the fees to be paid.
The person in charge wrote Rs 250 + Rs20 +Rs 500 and I was asked to go to ground floor for payment.
The Accounts in charge asked to pay Rs 721. Both the receipts and the copy were pinned together and then I had to proceed to Room no 1 to take a digital photo.
Sit in front of the computer for the photo, provide the left thumb print and enter digital signature – Pay Rs 50 there – will provide a receipt to be attached in the forms to be submitted.
Now it is time for submission. Check for the following documents:
1. Accurately filled License Renewal form – one photo pasted
2. Duly signed Medical Form/Certificate – 2nd photo on this form
3. Filled Change of Address form
4. Address proof
5. Request letter to RTO for combined Smart Card
6. Speed Post postal cover with your address and phone number written on it
7. Digital photo receipt
8. Original and copy of Receipt – Rs721
Pin/staple all the forms together and ask for data entry. Once that is done, the officer in charge would provide an Acknowledgement promising that your Smart Card License will arrive within 30 days. If not, bring the same Acknowledgement to check the status.
License Renewal fees written on the board was Rs 50.
Smart Card – Rs151.
Not sure if I was made to pay more or if the amounts were renewed and not updated on the boards.
There were AAP volunteers campaigning for Corruption Free Karnataka. They had shared pamphlet with the number 9342522223 to contact if you are forced to pay bribe in the premises.
License Issue
I had hassles there. My Smart Card DL did not come by speed post within 30 days. After 40 days, I went personally to the RTO with the acknowledgement. The lady in charge refused to give any information as I went in the wrong timing for inquiry. I went at 11.45 when in the acknowledgement, it was written – enquiries between 3.30 to 4.30.
However, I requested a little more and stayed on which made her check my details on her computer. It just took 2 seconds for her to inform that my card is already dispatched . l was asked to check with the ladies in the room inside. They took 1 minute and took out my card and said they lost my speed post cover. When I said if my 17 rupees got wasted, they took out a stamped speed post cover and gave it to me.
However, I consider losing a self addressed cover with phone number details as heights of negligence and irresponsibility.
Few recommendations to the RTO staff:
What is the harm in keeping required application forms in the office premises itself? There is a helpdesk but no one to help. The security at the entrance guided me to Jyoti services behind the office. How unprofessional!!!
Good to wear official badges so that license seekers can identify if you are an RTO employee and not touts who are hanging around to help you with this work for few 100s.
Good to give us a copy of receipts of the payments and a copy of the documents submitted.
In this era of speedy communication it would be so good if you could update the license holder on email or mobile when the Card is dispatched from your office.
Please be careful in handling the files that are handed over to you with so much trust. It contains the previous original licenses as well that were made to submit.
I have paid a total of Rs809 for the entire process. Is this the amount collected from all for this process or was there some bribe taken indirectly?
I really hope some sincere RTO official takes note of these discussions and enforce some steps to improve their efficiency and credibility.
prakash says
I think the job of getting the DL and other RTO Works is as difficult as any other Govt work like Property Registration etc hence there should be a agency approved by Govt to do this kind of job by collecting service charges only and should give receipt for payments received. They should get the job done without bribing the Govt employees , like the Insurance agents etc.There will be job opportunity to some people , and there will be transparency .
Reshma says
Thanks Mohan for this blog. I could mentally prepare well for the ordeal that I had to go through in the RTO for my requirements.
I have a little different experience that I thought I will pen down in this discussion forum for people visiting Battrahalli, KR Puram RTO. My response is a little lengthy, please bear with me.
My experience in Battrahalli RTO when I went for License Renewal and Issue of Smart Card
My Requirement:
2-wheeler License Renewal
Change of address
Request for a combined smart card – 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler
Documents and things to carry from home:
2 passport size photographs
Original 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler license
Stapler with pins/paper tag
White sheet (1 or 2)
Address proof (Adhaar card/Phone bill)
Preferable time to get the work done: 11AM – 1.30PM or 2.45 to 4.30PM
1.30 – 2.30 is lunch break.
Go to Jyoti services – behind the Battrahalli RTO office – collect 3 forms– License Renewal form where you mention your name, address and vehicle details, the 2nd one for the Medical officer to fill in for you, the 3rd form is for change of address.
Pay R38 –for stamped postal cover for Speed Post (the Smart Card will be sent in that cover within a period of 30 days) and two brown covers to submit your documents and those 3 forms.
Then I was directed to Lakshmi clinic little further down to get your Medical form filled and attested by the Surgeon. The clinic took R100 (no receipts provided) for just a signature and one rude stare by the doctor, no questions asked.
Write a letter on the white sheet to the RTO, KR Puram requesting to combine the 2 licenses into a smart card.
Go to 1st floor Room No.3 and submit these documents for them to review and for them to assess the fees to be paid.
The person in charge wrote Rs 250 + Rs20 +Rs 500 and I was asked to go to ground floor for payment.
The Accounts in charge asked to pay Rs 721. Both the receipts and the copy were pinned together and then I had to proceed to Room no 1 to take a digital photo.
Sit in front of the computer for the photo, provide the left thumb print and enter digital signature – Pay Rs 50 there – will provide a receipt to be attached in the forms to be submitted.
Now it is time for submission. Check for the following documents:
1. Accurately filled License Renewal form – one photo pasted
2. Duly signed Medical Form/Certificate – 2nd photo on this form
3. Filled Change of Address form
4. Address proof
5. Request letter to RTO for combined Smart Card
6. Speed Post postal cover with your address and phone number written on it
7. Digital photo receipt
8. Original and copy of Receipt – Rs721
Pin/staple all the forms together and ask for data entry. Once that is done, the officer in charge would provide an Acknowledgement promising that your Smart Card License will arrive within 30 days. If not, bring the same Acknowledgement to check the status.
License Renewal fees written on the board was Rs 50.
Smart Card – Rs151.
Not sure if I was made to pay more or if the amounts were renewed and not updated on the boards.
There were AAP volunteers campaigning for Corruption Free Karnataka. They had shared pamphlet with the number 9342522223 to contact if you are forced to pay bribe in the premises.
License Issue
I had hassles there. My Smart Card DL did not come by speed post within 30 days. After 40 days, I went personally to the RTO with the acknowledgement. The lady in charge refused to give any information as I went in the wrong timing for inquiry. I went at 11.45 when in the acknowledgement, it was written – enquiries between 3.30 to 4.30.
However, I requested a little more and stayed on which made her check my details on her computer. It just took 2 seconds for her to inform that my card is already dispatched . l was asked to check with the ladies in the room inside. They took 1 minute and took out my card and said they lost my speed post cover. When I said if my 17 rupees got wasted, they took out a stamped speed post cover and gave it to me.
However, I consider losing a self addressed cover with phone number details as heights of negligence and irresponsibility.
Few recommendations to the RTO staff:
What is the harm in keeping required application forms in the office premises itself? There is a helpdesk but no one to help. The security at the entrance guided me to Jyoti services behind the office. How unprofessional!!!
Good to wear official badges so that license seekers can identify if you are an RTO employee and not touts who are hanging around to help you with this work for few 100s.
Good to give us a copy of receipts of the payments and a copy of the documents submitted.
In this era of speedy communication it would be so good if you could update the license holder on email or mobile when the Card is dispatched from your office.
Please be careful in handling the files that are handed over to you with so much trust. It contains the previous original licenses as well that were made to submit.
I have paid a total of Rs809 for the entire process. Is this the amount collected from all for this process or was there some bribe taken indirectly?
I really hope some sincere RTO official takes note of these discussions and enforce some steps to improve their efficiency and credibility.
Ranjan Kumar Bose says
My Driving licence renual date was 28/09/2011 which I could not renue due to misplaced. The DL was made from Gujarat state when I was posted. I left Gujarat in the month of April-2011. Now I got my DL. The licenced to drive was LMV. Now, I am in Kolkata, it is possible to renew the DL at Kolkata RTO OFFICE. Because NOC collection is very long process. How it is possible. Please advise me.
Ranjan Kumar Bose says
My Driving licence renual date was 28/09/2011 which I could not renue due to misplaced. The DL was made from Gujarat state when I was posted. I left Gujarat in the month of April-2011. Now I got my DL. The licenced to drive was LMV. Now, I am in Kolkata, it is possible to renew the DL at Kolkata RTO OFFICE. Because NOC collection is very long process. How it is possible. Please advise me.
Amit Ku Pradhan says
I have valid driving licence of light motor vehicle from Sambalpur RTO, Odissa. How can I get to convert smart card type licence. Now I am stay in Goa.
Amit Ku Pradhan says
I have valid driving licence of light motor vehicle from Sambalpur RTO, Odissa. How can I get to convert smart card type licence. Now I am stay in Goa.
Sateesh Desai says
Hi, I have a simple question. My DL has expired on 02.03.2013. I need to renew it. Since I am 63, from whom should I get the fitness certificate? Is it necessary that I get it from a Government Doctor only or can I get it from my neighbourhood / family doctor? And apart from payment of additional fee for delay in renewal, is there any thing that I need to do?
Sateesh Desai says
Hi, I have a simple question. My DL has expired on 02.03.2013. I need to renew it. Since I am 63, from whom should I get the fitness certificate? Is it necessary that I get it from a Government Doctor only or can I get it from my neighbourhood / family doctor? And apart from payment of additional fee for delay in renewal, is there any thing that I need to do?
Jyoti Shinde says
sir, my driving licence has expired one month back, now I am in Australia. so how can I get to renew it further as I can not present personnely to get it My DL is booklet type. Now RTO is issuing smart card which is required my presenceness. So pl. guide me if there is any other way to get DL without my presence.
Jyoti Shinde says
sir, my driving licence has expired one month back, now I am in Australia. so how can I get to renew it further as I can not present personnely to get it My DL is booklet type. Now RTO is issuing smart card which is required my presenceness. So pl. guide me if there is any other way to get DL without my presence.
jyoti shinde says
Pl.tell me how to renew my driving licince which is expired one month back . At present I am in Asutralia I am not able to present myself in RTO office Nasik.My present dr. licene is in booklet form.
Gerard Anand says
Dear sir,
I just want to know whether change of name is allowed in a driving licence.
Gerard Anand says
Dear sir,
I just want to know whether change of name is allowed in a driving licence.
santosh says
hello sir,
i have lost my driving license and i dont have its any copy and i dont know
driving license also …..
sir pls help me….how will i get my new duplicate driving license or driving license
number even………….
thanku sir
santosh says
hello sir,
i have lost my driving license and i dont have its any copy and i dont know
driving license also …..
sir pls help me….how will i get my new duplicate driving license or driving license
number even………….
thanku sir
jaykumar Haribhai Nagwadia says
Dear sir my license had been lost & i want the dublicate liecense so please issue the same llience no is 595705
jaykumar Haribhai Nagwadia says
Dear sir my license had been lost & i want the dublicate liecense so please issue the same llience no is 595705
ashok patel says
my smart-card is due for expire on 4/10/ can I renew it? and pls guide me when should i renew my license?
ashok patel says
my smart-card is due for expire on 4/10/ can I renew it? and pls guide me when should i renew my license?
john says
good initiative and also taken time to share your experience, that’s great,
small step but definite steps towards CLEAN India…
john says
good initiative and also taken time to share your experience, that’s great,
small step but definite steps towards CLEAN India…
AnantharamaiahBN says
I need my driving licence renewed which is originally issued at Rajajinagar and I have to renew at Yelahanka RTO since I have shifted my residence. The licence is expiring on 19-08-2012. Why the hell the RTO needs a medical certificate. They themselves can have services of an RMP or a certificate from the holder of licence to be renewed is enough. What can a doctor decipher by just looking or questioning a person to renew licence. It is all a tactic to earn money from RTO. Even online renewal will do except the applicant has to present himself at least in a web camera.
Mohan says
Dear sir the motive of the rule is good but the implementation seem to be flawed. That is the whole point of this post!
goodboy says
Medical Certificate is required if you are above 50. I think it is essentail today I renewed my licence with out any hassel
satbn says
Interesting line… “…What can a doctor decipher by just looking or questioning a person to renew licence…”
and then after all the tests, takes up the fitness certificate, fills it as per their diagnosis and says bye! No one uttered any “fee” thing except the procedural Rs.5 that had to be paid for registration and Rs.10/- I guess fee for issuing a certificate! How’s that!
The answer should be “Nothing” or “Nothing worthwhile” at least! And, due to the exact reason that lot of “bogus” certificates were being issued by private practitioners, now RTO needs a medical fitness certificate from a Govt hospital or Govt doctor! Now, the question could be – “So what, can’t we just walk in, pay some Rs.100/- and get a certificate there?”. Yes & No. While there can be cases where a Govt doctor also takes some “fee” and gives a fitness certificate, when I went to a Govt hospital recently to get this fitness certificate, there was no scent of this! The procedure was – Register yourself and get a outpatient card, go the respective department (opthal – in this case), get the eyes tested (far, near both!) , then again go to the senior doctor, who again tests your “eye skills”
AnantharamaiahBN says
I need my driving licence renewed which is originally issued at Rajajinagar and I have to renew at Yelahanka RTO since I have shifted my residence. The licence is expiring on 19-08-2012. Why the hell the RTO needs a medical certificate. They themselves can have services of an RMP or a certificate from the holder of licence to be renewed is enough. What can a doctor decipher by just looking or questioning a person to renew licence. It is all a tactic to earn money from RTO. Even online renewal will do except the applicant has to present himself at least in a web camera.
Mohan says
Dear sir the motive of the rule is good but the implementation seem to be flawed. That is the whole point of this post!
goodboy says
Medical Certificate is required if you are above 50. I think it is essentail today I renewed my licence with out any hassel
satbn says
Interesting line… “…What can a doctor decipher by just looking or questioning a person to renew licence…”
and then after all the tests, takes up the fitness certificate, fills it as per their diagnosis and says bye! No one uttered any “fee” thing except the procedural Rs.5 that had to be paid for registration and Rs.10/- I guess fee for issuing a certificate! How’s that!
The answer should be “Nothing” or “Nothing worthwhile” at least! And, due to the exact reason that lot of “bogus” certificates were being issued by private practitioners, now RTO needs a medical fitness certificate from a Govt hospital or Govt doctor! Now, the question could be – “So what, can’t we just walk in, pay some Rs.100/- and get a certificate there?”. Yes & No. While there can be cases where a Govt doctor also takes some “fee” and gives a fitness certificate, when I went to a Govt hospital recently to get this fitness certificate, there was no scent of this! The procedure was – Register yourself and get a outpatient card, go the respective department (opthal – in this case), get the eyes tested (far, near both!) , then again go to the senior doctor, who again tests your “eye skills”
Dayananda. S says
Thanks for guiding all individuals as to renew DL without bribing the agents neaar RTO offices. Pl. let me have your guidance at the earliest.
Dayananda. S says
Thanks for guiding all individuals as to renew DL without bribing the agents neaar RTO offices. Pl. let me have your guidance at the earliest.
pravin bhatia says
hello, i want to get a new driving license, want to know what the process is to get the license. what is the valid document in driving license
pravin bhatia says
hello, i want to get a new driving license, want to know what the process is to get the license. what is the valid document in driving license
Soundararajan says
It is better you write to Vadora RTO to transfer the driving licence to Bangalore RTO near to your residence. if they are not obliging, you can apply for a fresh one and you will get it shortly by spending about Rs.250 or so, instead of spending Rs.25000.00
Dear Citizens of Yeswanthpur in Bangalore Area,
The Yeshwanthpur RTO staff’s are very humble & good peoples, I got my CAR DL done without bribe & secondly After not receiving DL within 15 days by post, I enquired with RTO officials & they showed my DL is ready & they can issue me only through post & assured me that i get DL in hand by the next week. So all Govt officials are not rude & at the same time all public are not soft
Dear Citizens of Yeswanthpur in Bangalore Area,
The Yeshwanthpur RTO staff’s are very humble & good peoples, I got my CAR DL done without bribe & secondly After not receiving DL within 15 days by post, I enquired with RTO officials & they showed my DL is ready & they can issue me only through post & assured me that i get DL in hand by the next week. So all Govt officials are not rude & at the same time all public are not soft
M Krishnan says
I hv to renew my DL shortly. Having read all above comments i cant understand why RTO’s dont simplify matters reg. need for NOC.
M Krishnan says
I hv to renew my DL shortly. Having read all above comments i cant understand why RTO’s dont simplify matters reg. need for NOC.
vinayak.v.bhat says
Dear Mohan
Thank you for the information on driving licence renewal. I wanted to renew my driving licence and to know the details i logged into Google search. The very first site is yours and my problem is solved. Thanks a lot. Many people like me are always grateful to you for your service. My hearty wishes to you.
Vinayak Bhat
vinayak.v.bhat says
Dear Mohan
Thank you for the information on driving licence renewal. I wanted to renew my driving licence and to know the details i logged into Google search. The very first site is yours and my problem is solved. Thanks a lot. Many people like me are always grateful to you for your service. My hearty wishes to you.
Vinayak Bhat
Anoj Kumar says
dear sir
my driving license valid date has been expired on sep 2007 i want to do renewal my license. What should i do?
Anoj Kumar says
dear sir
my driving license valid date has been expired on sep 2007 i want to do renewal my license. What should i do?
pinal says
my two wheeler license expires on 23/2/12 (today ),what is the procedure for new one & what documents will be needed & what will be the cost ???pls help
T.Subbarao says
My driving licence issued from New Delhi has been expired during November,11. What is the proceedure to get it renewed in Nellore, AP. Is it necessary to get NOC from New DElhi? or can they renew automatically if I approach nellore RTO office.
kantilal k. surti says
my wife and i hold driving license issued by RTO Dehradun in 2002 june.We had relocated Vadodara,Gujarat in July 2009. Our licenses are now up for renewal. Please let me know if they can be renewed at Vadodara and what is the procedure. I hear about obtaining NOC from dehradun, which is ridiculous. It will cost us Rs 25000 to go and return from Dehradun.(air travel is the only way we travel. I believe it is the resposibilty of RTO Vadodara to obtaind our driving recoed from dehradu. They want us to do the dog work.
T.Subbarao says
My driving licence issued from New Delhi has been expired during November,11. What is the proceedure to get it renewed in Nellore, AP. Is it necessary to get NOC from New DElhi? or can they renew automatically if I approach nellore RTO office.
kantilal k. surti says
my wife and i hold driving license issued by RTO Dehradun in 2002 june.We had relocated Vadodara,Gujarat in July 2009. Our licenses are now up for renewal. Please let me know if they can be renewed at Vadodara and what is the procedure. I hear about obtaining NOC from dehradun, which is ridiculous. It will cost us Rs 25000 to go and return from Dehradun.(air travel is the only way we travel. I believe it is the resposibilty of RTO Vadodara to obtaind our driving recoed from dehradu. They want us to do the dog work.
Kartik Pisat says
hi my name is Kartik i stay at Nallasopara (W) and i want to renew my existing Licence and want to know what are the charges for preperaing the new one . Because i dont want to pay more to the RTO people at the counter.
so please help me for that .
chetan says
hi my name is chetan stay at kandivali (E) and i want to renew my existing Licence and want to know what are the charges for preperaing the new one . Because i dont want to pay more to the RTO people at the counter.
so please help me for that .
Kartik Pisat says
hi my name is Kartik i stay at Nallasopara (W) and i want to renew my existing Licence and want to know what are the charges for preperaing the new one . Because i dont want to pay more to the RTO people at the counter.
so please help me for that .
salman says
My bangalore driving licence was expired in 2010 which is for 40 years, after which i applied for renewal of driving licence i was given to understand i will get the licence renewed atleast valid for 10years but when i got the licence just to 2years only can anyone tell my why i got it such short period i live abroad visit bangalore only for few days.
salman says
My bangalore driving licence was expired in 2010 which is for 40 years, after which i applied for renewal of driving licence i was given to understand i will get the licence renewed atleast valid for 10years but when i got the licence just to 2years only can anyone tell my why i got it such short period i live abroad visit bangalore only for few days.
d.k.jain says
my driving license was expired in the year 1993 can it be renewed or not, if not than how i can get new driving license and what is the procedure?
d.k.jain says
my driving license was expired in the year 1993 can it be renewed or not, if not than how i can get new driving license and what is the procedure?