My dad’s driving licence validity was about to expire in less than a fortnight. To renew the same, I did a bit of search on the mighty web and gathered all the required information. This information is available on the Karnataka state RTO website. Since my dad was above 50 years, all it required was to submit 2 forms. CMV-9 is the form to be filled by applicant for DL renewal while another form CMV-1 needs to be filled by a registered doctor certifying that the applicant is medically fit to drive vehicles on Indian roads. To be doubly sure, I called up a near by driving school on the procedure to get it renewed. The person who picked up my call said they need the original DL with 3 passport size photos and a fee of Rs 400/-. I asked him about the medical fitness certificate, he laughed at me and said they will take care of all those formalities. And he mentioned in a very confident voice that I don’t have to waste my time in running to govt offices. I thanked him for the information provided and decided to get it renewed without having to go through illegal ways.
I prompty took my dad to the RTO office in Jayanagar and collected both the forms available at reception. RTO Office is on 4th floor. Now, we had to get the medical fitness certificate. Our family doctor’s clinic is close to this office and we were about to head towards the clinic. While we were taking stairs, my dad noticed a sign board of a red medical cross. He suggested to go and talk to that doctor to get the fitness form. When I carefully observed that sign board, it wasn’t a clinic of a doctor. But it had a mention of “medical fitness certificates” service availability. On the outlook, that store had a photocopying machine and a whole bunch of forms that I saw in the RTO reception. That store keeper was selling those *FREE* forms at a *nominal* cost! When I asked him about the fitness certificate he just asked me for a passport sized photograph, name of the applicant and a *FEE* of Rs. 50/-. I was reluctant and asked him the whereabouts of a doctor. He said, you don’t have to panic about all those things, furnish the 3 pre-requisites and he will get it done in less than 5 minutes! We said thanks but denied his *service*. We got the medical fitness certificate from our family doctor. Submitted the application forms along with a renewal fee or Rs 50/- at the RTO cash counter. Then gave the license at the counter for renewal which we had to collect on the next working day.
All that we spent for renewing the driving license was just Rs. 75/- (50 at RTO counter and 25 to the doctor). Now the question on my mind… though these illegal operators are widespread, why is that the RTO officials not taking any action? The worst is that the medical certificate providers are in the same building! Do the RTO officials ever wake up and take stringent action on these people? No wonder we have so many accidents happening on roads. Who should be punished for these accidents? any answers?
Dear RTO officials – any of you reading this?
anveerappa kolli says
i have lost my license i want the another copy of that license card sir plse reply me sir
anveerappa kolli says
i have lost my license i want the another copy of that license card sir plse reply me sir
Bijendra kumar says
I have driving license for four & two wheeler. But it is expired on Nov-2007. Can I get it renewed one? Please advice me to do so.
Bijendra kumar says
I have driving license for four & two wheeler. But it is expired on Nov-2007. Can I get it renewed one? Please advice me to do so.
sanjay says
this is to inform you that i have driving license of Karnataka state i want to renewal right now i am in Maharashtra is it possible to renewal in Maharashtra then what is processor how to renewal last date of my licece is 01/11/2011
sanjay says
this is to inform you that i have driving license of Karnataka state i want to renewal right now i am in Maharashtra is it possible to renewal in Maharashtra then what is processor how to renewal last date of my licece is 01/11/2011
Guru says
i found a driving licence how can i check his details online the person adress is not seen properly can i saw online his adress and status of his dl so that what i have to do the dl issued from yaswanthpur rto bangalore
Guru says
i found a driving licence how can i check his details online the person adress is not seen properly can i saw online his adress and status of his dl so that what i have to do the dl issued from yaswanthpur rto bangalore
john says
i have lost my DL. dont know the DL number also. how can i check 4 my licence
john says
i have lost my DL. dont know the DL number also. how can i check 4 my licence
sunil mehta says
my light motor vehicle licence is expireing on 4/8/11 ,now i would like to know that ,how many days before i can apply for renewal, i reside at mumbai.
thanking you,
sunil mehta
sunil mehta says
my light motor vehicle licence is expireing on 4/8/11 ,now i would like to know that ,how many days before i can apply for renewal, i reside at mumbai.
thanking you,
sunil mehta
amulya says
is driving licence given to a person after 65 years?
bipin Relia says
car and scooter licence is expired before ten year, can it renew?
if can’t renew than what is the procedure to get new licence?
is there any age limit to get licence?
bipin relia RAJKOT (gujarat)
theertheswaran.B says
Beloved friends
the story of renewing my Driving License – Bangalore- RTO-Yeshwanthpur RTO
My Driving License which got expired on 18-12-2010, it has to be renewed, so i went to the RTO yeswantpur,north,bangalore
at the entrance of the office i was accosted by a tout whom i avoided since i wanted to do it on my own,at the entrance it self you will find a gentle man sitting to guide, when i wished him Namaskara and after exchanging greetings, i told him that i have to renew my Driving License,he gave me the form CMV9 ,cmv-1,cmv1-A forms free of charge,when i told him i would like to have my Driving license as Smart card, he asked me get a form from the vendor who charged me Rs 25 he gave me cover with affixed stamp of Rs12, a folder and twine to tie and also a small plastic cover and another form ,DRIVING LICENSE ISSUAL FORM,
where i have to fill it up in BLOCK LETTERS ONLY,
He graciously guided me to fill the form which was in kannada,
i can understand kannada,but nor to read it.
any way after filling the details he told me to get a Medical certificate from
the Govt hospital, when i requested him where to go he suggested Malleshwarm govt hospital or corporation hospital ,yeswantpur.
which is 500 meters away, the time was around 10.15 am.
i reached the corporation hospital, which is quite opposite to the yeswantpur railway station.
there were many people already were there waiting to get the medical fitness certificate,
i too stood in the Que,the Doctor , a very young man who was so engrossed in attending the stream of lady patients,mostly pregnant women
told that only after 1 pm he will be able to attend Driving license fitness certificate, and added that the patients were more important,
i was really thrilled to hear this from this young Doctor, so with joy i opted out to wait till 1 pm, all my fellow medical fitness certificate aspirant too came out to wait till 1 pm
luckily i carried with me a book to learn german in 30 days
i used my time to read it ,
around 12.55 pm all people rushed in side the hospital and the lady at the counter told that all will be accommodated provided if every one follows in a Que.
but none listened her word as usual every one was eager to get in to first.
they collected Rs 50 and gave a receipt for only Rs 40, some of our fellows who were standing in the line were just saying, corruption can not be thrown out in our country, i was wondering where our country going in spite of now every one was talking of weaving out corruption, the young Doctor whom i mentioned earlier was really busy with his patients,the time was already 1.30 pm, so i thought my day is not today to submit the application for renewal of driving license and also for my SMART CARD DRIVING LICENSE,since the RTO office works only from 10.30 am to 1.30 Pm
hence resigned to my self.i stood in the line,suddenly there comes a voice and mid aged gentle lady, she is the MEDICAL OFFICER WHO WILL BE SIGNING I WAS TOLD by some one.
she said if any one has paid more than the receipt amount of Rs 40 they should collect the extra money- that is coughed up.
and also she told the counter lady to return the extra money,until and unless the extra money collected returned to the applicant she will not attend fitness certificate work. It was really nice to see an honest officer doing her best to weed out the small bukshees , corruption.
the counter lady has to return the extra to one and all.
it took only few minute for the medical officer to sign on my photo and a seal was stamped in my MEDICAL FITNESS FORM.
I Thanked the Medical officer for her sincerity and thanked her for helping the nation in every way.
the time was already 1.50 pm.
i rushed to the RTO office alas the counter at the second floor was already empty,the concerned official already was out for his meal.
i had to spend one more day , tuesday that is my final day to get my Driving license renewal cum SMART CARD
thus ended the day with wonderfulness
so friends just visit the RTO OFFICE and get things done by your own
you need not to pay any thing extra,
if you are prepared to spare little bit of your time and some hit to your EGO,
there are people who will be looking at you as though that they are from other planet,
our fellow Indians do want to stand in order, in Que.
every body keep quit when some one issue a receipt for less than the money that you paid.that included (yours sincerely)
all wants every thing to be done in hurry
honestly majority will be doing nothing after getting the work done.
this attitude of us has to change
here is the essence of my experience
to get renewal of your driving license
1 cmv 9 , cmv1 cmv 9 if your age is above 40
2.submit your expired driving license card in a plastic cover a folder along with cover which will be used by rto offical to send your Driving license to your address
fill up the form in order
and pay the requisite fees too
simple did i say ,yes if you are prepared to spend your precious time
thank you wonderful friends
theertheswaran.B says
Beloved friends
the story of renewing my Driving License – Bangalore- RTO-Yeshwanthpur RTO
My Driving License which got expired on 18-12-2010, it has to be renewed, so i went to the RTO yeswantpur,north,bangalore
at the entrance of the office i was accosted by a tout whom i avoided since i wanted to do it on my own,at the entrance it self you will find a gentle man sitting to guide, when i wished him Namaskara and after exchanging greetings, i told him that i have to renew my Driving License,he gave me the form CMV9 ,cmv-1,cmv1-A forms free of charge,when i told him i would like to have my Driving license as Smart card, he asked me get a form from the vendor who charged me Rs 25 he gave me cover with affixed stamp of Rs12, a folder and twine to tie and also a small plastic cover and another form ,DRIVING LICENSE ISSUAL FORM,
where i have to fill it up in BLOCK LETTERS ONLY,
He graciously guided me to fill the form which was in kannada,
i can understand kannada,but nor to read it.
any way after filling the details he told me to get a Medical certificate from
the Govt hospital, when i requested him where to go he suggested Malleshwarm govt hospital or corporation hospital ,yeswantpur.
which is 500 meters away, the time was around 10.15 am.
i reached the corporation hospital, which is quite opposite to the yeswantpur railway station.
there were many people already were there waiting to get the medical fitness certificate,
i too stood in the Que,the Doctor , a very young man who was so engrossed in attending the stream of lady patients,mostly pregnant women
told that only after 1 pm he will be able to attend Driving license fitness certificate, and added that the patients were more important,
i was really thrilled to hear this from this young Doctor, so with joy i opted out to wait till 1 pm, all my fellow medical fitness certificate aspirant too came out to wait till 1 pm
luckily i carried with me a book to learn german in 30 days
i used my time to read it ,
around 12.55 pm all people rushed in side the hospital and the lady at the counter told that all will be accommodated provided if every one follows in a Que.
but none listened her word as usual every one was eager to get in to first.
they collected Rs 50 and gave a receipt for only Rs 40, some of our fellows who were standing in the line were just saying, corruption can not be thrown out in our country, i was wondering where our country going in spite of now every one was talking of weaving out corruption, the young Doctor whom i mentioned earlier was really busy with his patients,the time was already 1.30 pm, so i thought my day is not today to submit the application for renewal of driving license and also for my SMART CARD DRIVING LICENSE,since the RTO office works only from 10.30 am to 1.30 Pm
hence resigned to my self.i stood in the line,suddenly there comes a voice and mid aged gentle lady, she is the MEDICAL OFFICER WHO WILL BE SIGNING I WAS TOLD by some one.
she said if any one has paid more than the receipt amount of Rs 40 they should collect the extra money- that is coughed up.
and also she told the counter lady to return the extra money,until and unless the extra money collected returned to the applicant she will not attend fitness certificate work. It was really nice to see an honest officer doing her best to weed out the small bukshees , corruption.
the counter lady has to return the extra to one and all.
it took only few minute for the medical officer to sign on my photo and a seal was stamped in my MEDICAL FITNESS FORM.
I Thanked the Medical officer for her sincerity and thanked her for helping the nation in every way.
the time was already 1.50 pm.
i rushed to the RTO office alas the counter at the second floor was already empty,the concerned official already was out for his meal.
i had to spend one more day , tuesday that is my final day to get my Driving license renewal cum SMART CARD
thus ended the day with wonderfulness
so friends just visit the RTO OFFICE and get things done by your own
you need not to pay any thing extra,
if you are prepared to spare little bit of your time and some hit to your EGO,
there are people who will be looking at you as though that they are from other planet,
our fellow Indians do want to stand in order, in Que.
every body keep quit when some one issue a receipt for less than the money that you paid.that included (yours sincerely)
all wants every thing to be done in hurry
honestly majority will be doing nothing after getting the work done.
this attitude of us has to change
here is the essence of my experience
to get renewal of your driving license
1 cmv 9 , cmv1 cmv 9 if your age is above 40
2.submit your expired driving license card in a plastic cover a folder along with cover which will be used by rto offical to send your Driving license to your address
fill up the form in order
and pay the requisite fees too
simple did i say ,yes if you are prepared to spend your precious time
thank you wonderful friends
Ravi Kumar says
I have an Licence issued by RTO Hyd. issued nearly 20 years back expiring in Jan 2011. When I went to an RTO in Chennai, they state that NOC is required for renewing it.
My qn is that when it is an All India Valid document and also now with most RTO’s computerized is it not possible for RTO’s to just check with their computers and find out instead of asking for an NOC which again is of a tall order.
Subhasis says
Recently I got my West Bengal license renewed from Bangalore. It took long time since it needed verification from West Bengal RTO.
Girish says
How long does it took for you to receive this renewed licence.
Ravi Kumar says
I have an Licence issued by RTO Hyd. issued nearly 20 years back expiring in Jan 2011. When I went to an RTO in Chennai, they state that NOC is required for renewing it.
My qn is that when it is an All India Valid document and also now with most RTO’s computerized is it not possible for RTO’s to just check with their computers and find out instead of asking for an NOC which again is of a tall order.
Prabhakar says
While the officials in Karnataka were happy taking brobes in 100s and 1000s, the arrival of IT & BT era brought down by S M Krishna encouraged and accustomed these corrupt officials to demand and accept brobes in lakhs and crores.
Lokayukta raids and all is a mere eye wash. The house of a Bill Collector with BBMP staying near my house was raided on a saturday. The same evening tv channels and the Newspapers displayed and published that the raid unearthed app. 4.50 crores illgotten money. But then one of the Inspector had come early in the morning itself on saturday to leak the information and collected his share of Rs.25 lakhs.
The funniest part is the said employee is promoted in BBMP and has got plum posting to work under V. Somanna and likes.
While Santosh Hegde is in the limelight for all the right/wrong reasons, will any body dare to talk about what is happening with Nitte Group of Education Societies jointly owned by Mr. Hegde wherein lakhs and crores are being minted as capitation fees accepting blank cheques from the students all across the globe.
Sanju raj says
My Driving Licence Of Sambalpur Orissa Expired On last Nov 2007. Sugest me some way to renewal my licence.
jaykumar Haribhai Nagwadia says
Dear Sir My license had been lost so please do the needful
Sanju raj says
My Driving Licence Of Sambalpur Orissa Expired On last Nov 2007. Sugest me some way to renewal my licence.
jaykumar Haribhai Nagwadia says
Dear Sir My license had been lost so please do the needful
s.sharmilaf.s says
may i know how to renew the driving license
swarupa narayana rao m says
I am having driving licence which will expire on18/02/2012.i am 71 years old.what are all the fees i have to pay & whether i can apply now for renewal. what is the procedure
to do online.
Dayananda. S says
I am 60 years of age and and my non-transport DL that is expiring on 22-07-2012. My issue office was Shimoga and last renewal was done at Rajajinagar RTO office. Now I am residing in Bannerghatta Rd., behind IIMB. Which RTO office I have to approach and is there any facility of online renewal?
saira says
can u suggest how i can track the status of my driving licence renewal?
saira says
can u suggest how i can track the status of my driving licence renewal?
Prasad says
Hi Mohan,
Appreciate your efforts in “Living Clean” One needs to have some investment in time and efforts which is worth it instead of helping grow the corruption virus.
Johan Mclane says
In india each & every department is corrupted. everyone needs money to do anything…
Mohan says
well, it should have been “everyone needs money to do everything”
prasad says
Dear mohan,
Most of the time we are all used comforts and not ready to take pains and we are the only one to be squarely blamed. For example let us say we have to travel alone(not with family)by train say. Will we try to go in a reserved compartment or voluntarily go in general compartment. Most of us try to go to Reserved compartment try to influence the TC and try to get a berth (for a short journey also) which means sitting in gen.compartment has become unbearable for us. So what pains we can take in handling other things like getting DL for ex. The agent will say pay 1000/- you need not visit RTO office also and most of the people will be ready.
I am trying to renew my DL and find it quite easy as such. I get only sat&sun off. RTO office here is closed on 2nd and 3rd sat. I went one sat paid fee and submitted form. 2nd time went on 1/2 day CL and got myself photographed. Now will go once again to collect the card. Let us see whether they will ask for money here..
Mohan says
Good luck prasad!
prasad says
Dear mohan,
Most of the time we are all used comforts and not ready to take pains and we are the only one to be squarely blamed. For example let us say we have to travel alone(not with family)by train say. Will we try to go in a reserved compartment or voluntarily go in general compartment. Most of us try to go to Reserved compartment try to influence the TC and try to get a berth (for a short journey also) which means sitting in gen.compartment has become unbearable for us. So what pains we can take in handling other things like getting DL for ex. The agent will say pay 1000/- you need not visit RTO office also and most of the people will be ready.
I am trying to renew my DL and find it quite easy as such. I get only sat&sun off. RTO office here is closed on 2nd and 3rd sat. I went one sat paid fee and submitted form. 2nd time went on 1/2 day CL and got myself photographed. Now will go once again to collect the card. Let us see whether they will ask for money here..
Mohan says
Good luck prasad!
Subhasis says
hey Mohan,
I have been following up your blogs before, I found them very comprehensive regarding the BITS Pilani MS Program.
As usual this blog is not an exception!
I got one doubt. Is it possible to get my two wheeler license renewed when it was originally issued from West Bengal RTO.
If you have any information please provide me with that.
Thanks much!
Mohan says
Thank you. Well, I am not sure about interstate renewals.. pls check with RTO officials.
Subhasis says
hey Mohan,
I have been following up your blogs before, I found them very comprehensive regarding the BITS Pilani MS Program.
As usual this blog is not an exception!
I got one doubt. Is it possible to get my two wheeler license renewed when it was originally issued from West Bengal RTO.
If you have any information please provide me with that.
Thanks much!
Mohan says
Thank you. Well, I am not sure about interstate renewals.. pls check with RTO officials.
Soundararajan MS says
I am aged 69. I got renewal of my license without any Agent. Just I filled the forms and got counter signed by RTO and paid the required fees. (Plastic card) my expenses are Dr. fee Rs.50.00, cover, stamps application forms Rs.37 (Paid extra Rs.5) and renewal fee for a plastic card is 201+49=Rs.250.00. All this I finished in about an hour. So RTO is not encouraging and touts, but many of us prefer them as people do not know the procedure get their help. Many Sr citizen and other people do this directly without an agent. When an agent approached me I refused to talk his help.
Soundararajan MS says
I am aged 69. I got renewal of my license without any Agent. Just I filled the forms and got counter signed by RTO and paid the required fees. (Plastic card) my expenses are Dr. fee Rs.50.00, cover, stamps application forms Rs.37 (Paid extra Rs.5) and renewal fee for a plastic card is 201+49=Rs.250.00. All this I finished in about an hour. So RTO is not encouraging and touts, but many of us prefer them as people do not know the procedure get their help. Many Sr citizen and other people do this directly without an agent. When an agent approached me I refused to talk his help.
Mohan says
That is just so good to read through! Hats off to you Soundararajan for following the right procedure to renew your driving license.
S.R.Ayyangar says
That shows that medical fitness is farce and mere formality done in most callous manner!
Mohan says
Amen… no wonder so many accidents in our country.
S.R.Ayyangar says
That shows that medical fitness is farce and mere formality done in most callous manner!
Mohan says
Amen… no wonder so many accidents in our country.
Kcalpesh says
Man, you got to see the R.T.O office of Mumbai. It’s like one very old set up. Very primitive and full of crowd on a daily basis. Going there on your own is a sheer risk as you’ll end up wasting time for just nothing. There’s no help available for people who do not know what to do to apply for a new license or to renew a license. If you have come there without an agent then just be sure, you won’t get a license very soon. My test for a two wheeler license of funny I had gone there with the agent from the driving school and just as I kick started the bike I was told “Ho Gaya, ab chalo!!” For the four wheeler I was asked to drive a few inches and then I was told “it’s now the other student’s turn please make way…” While all this was happening the judging officer was busy signing the forms giving approvals for licenses without even looking at what the student do… Now that was super easy!!! I know it’s not fair, it’s illegal and it’s risk for everyone driving on the road!! But then, who wants to complaint when you’re getting license the easier way…
Mohan says
It makes me wonder how badly our system is corrupted. Not sure what can bring in the CHANGE!
Rajamanickam says
A appreciate your steps, and happy to know that you were able to go thro’ legal way easily. It shows that India is becoming corruption free step by step.
Mohan says
Thank you!
Rajamanickam says
A appreciate your steps, and happy to know that you were able to go thro’ legal way easily. It shows that India is becoming corruption free step by step.
Mohan says
Thank you!
Arundhati Raja says
Well done Mohan for sticking to the proper way. If more people did that then we could perhaps beat their system. Unfortunately since everyone is in on it from the bottom ring to the top rung … it will take a huge number of committed citizens to do it.
Arundhati Raja says
Well done Mohan for sticking to the proper way. If more people did that then we could perhaps beat their system. Unfortunately since everyone is in on it from the bottom ring to the top rung … it will take a huge number of committed citizens to do it.
Mohan says
Thank you Arundhati! It would be good to see everyone joining hands to fix our system to some levels at least!
miolid says
story of u is reality not in your state or area all over India process of liecence is same .
dont mind zodo ya chodo.
miolid says
story of u is reality not in your state or area all over India process of liecence is same .
dont mind zodo ya chodo.
Ranajit Dhar says
good work done. I am 56 and going through almost similar phase myself.
Ranajit Dhar says
good work done. I am 56 and going through almost similar phase myself.
Ranajit Dhar says
I have almost similar almost problem. I am going through it actually. I have my driving license issued at my previues place of residence in Uttarpradesh and posted on transfer to another state. When I approached one MVI in the RTO office, he asked me submit two prescribed form and come back 7 days before expiry of the license. I procured the form ( from out side the office on payment) as the office do not have them/supply them.
I went to submit the filled up form. Another MVI afater examining the driving license calmy told that I would need to obtain NOC from the issuing office which is almost 1900 km away ( i mention this as it is not near that I could afford to go tere and collect. He, however, advised me to take a learner license and get a regular license in 45 days as obtaining NOC would be difficult for me.
My concern is that the second MVI does not know the rule position at al.
Next time I have gone through th eprovosion of the MV Act and fornd taht the RTO shall renew the license and intimate the issuing RTO. As told I am yet to finish my encounter and would let you know what happened in my ask.
I am now going to meet the first MVI and then the RTO and submit my application.
I am 56. And congratulation to you to follow the path you took.
Ranajit Dhar says
I have almost similar almost problem. I am going through it actually. I have my driving license issued at my previues place of residence in Uttarpradesh and posted on transfer to another state. When I approached one MVI in the RTO office, he asked me submit two prescribed form and come back 7 days before expiry of the license. I procured the form ( from out side the office on payment) as the office do not have them/supply them.
I went to submit the filled up form. Another MVI afater examining the driving license calmy told that I would need to obtain NOC from the issuing office which is almost 1900 km away ( i mention this as it is not near that I could afford to go tere and collect. He, however, advised me to take a learner license and get a regular license in 45 days as obtaining NOC would be difficult for me.
My concern is that the second MVI does not know the rule position at al.
Next time I have gone through th eprovosion of the MV Act and fornd taht the RTO shall renew the license and intimate the issuing RTO. As told I am yet to finish my encounter and would let you know what happened in my ask.
I am now going to meet the first MVI and then the RTO and submit my application.
I am 56. And congratulation to you to follow the path you took.
Shrinidhi Hande says
Even Lokayukta raid hasn’t made any difference in their operations…
Shrinidhi Hande says
Even Lokayukta raid hasn’t made any difference in their operations…
Netnarcotic says
Do you think officers are not doing any thing? no you are wrong they are very strict? yes very strict in collecting gifts and currencies from them every week end
and i bet you our society never changes and our government office standard never improves at least for another 2 Decades… or until unless everybody do what you did by following the legal way
Netnarcotic says
Do you think officers are not doing any thing? no you are wrong they are very strict? yes very strict in collecting gifts and currencies from them every week end
and i bet you our society never changes and our government office standard never improves at least for another 2 Decades… or until unless everybody do what you did by following the legal way