As posted earlier, today I am posting the results of the survey that I had created for visitors on my site. Around 66 visitors participated in the survey. Take a deep look at the attached graph to understand it better.
Now, let me explain these numbers on the graph in a simple and easily understandable form:
- Question # 1 : Are you a Quest Net member?
- 47 people admitted that they were questnet members.
- 19 of the participants in the survey said they were not.
- This indicates that the survey was predominantly taken by questnet members which accounts to more than 71% of participants.
- Question # 2 : Did you analyze quest net business model before becoming a member?
- 39 participants said ‘Yes’, mean they analyzed the business – counts for 62%
- Remaining 28% of the people didn’t spend much time to analyze before joining
- This question was to find out whether people really made an effort to analyze it well before investing such a huge amount. The participants trend indicated that a vast majority of them did spend sometime thinking about it before joining hands with questnet. This is certainly a good sign.
- Question # 3 : Did you Understand the business model completely?
- Participants were equally divided on this question.
- This means only 50% of them understood how this business really runs. In turn this indirectly implies that people were not very clear on how they will get their money back in the form of commission over a period of time. Many have shared that they didn’t know that they need to complete the equally balanced tree nodes to both their right and left sides. If any one side fails to complete in the sets of 3, 7, 15, 31 etc., questnet member doesn’t qualify to receive the cheqes until tree gets balanced.
- This is a catch that the Quest Net presentation don’t clearly explain, they just run over this part in a hurry.
- Question # 4 : Have you made profits from this QuestNet business?
- The result of this question is alarming! Only 23% of the participants said they made profits while the remaining 77% said they ended up on the losers side.
- Considering the fact that only a small poplulation of that huge questnet members base have access to internet, can’t imagine how many would have lost their money by joining questnet.
- There is certainly no guaranty that all the participants have truly said that they made profits, reason being that they may not be able recover their already invested money. Since -ve trend indicates that people may not join this business anymore!
- Question # 5 : Did Quest net adversely affect your relation with friends and family?
- Again this question gave an alarming results. 60% agreed that it did affect their relation with friends and family in a bad manner.
- 17% were not sure if it affected, while only 22% were confident that it did not hamper the relations.
- Certainly, one thing is for sure, large population of members were taking a hit on their relations because of this questnet.
- Question # 6 : Did you know that only top 12% of questnet members get to make money?
- This was again equally distributed with results of Yes and No.
- However, one thing that amazed me is – how can people invest in questnet even after knowing 88% can’t make money?
- Well, the answer was simple, the questnet presenters talk only about introducing 2 members under them and subsequently each member introduce 2 more et., It sounds simple to talk/listen like this.
- However, when it comes to actual reality, people fail to realize that the tree needs to be balanced on both right & left sides under them.
- Question # 7 : Do you recommend Questnet to your friends?
- Questnet members seem to have learnt their mistake. 60% said a definite No to this question.
- Remaining 10% were not sure and 30% said they would recommend.
- Bottom line is that people have realized that this is not a business that will really help their friends.
- Question # 8 : Do you think a huge amount of money goes out of our country?
- 83% agreed with that statement while only 17% feel money remains with us.
- This result is very much in line with my initial analysis of 88% on losers side to that of 12% in gaining side.
- Even a simple calculation results analyzing how much money is being pumped into questnet. This is certainly not a good sign as the economical imbalance is created in a given territory over a period of time.
- Question # 9 : Do you feel common man is the target of this business as a possible questnet member?
- 70% of the survey takers said ‘Yes’ while 19% said ‘No’, another 11% were not sure.
- This means, most of the questnet members feel that they are targeting a common man as they are “the easy preys”. I say this because, they are the one who struggle a lot to earn money and dream big about a better living.
- Questnet is capitalizing on this weak point in the common man to trap them by showing big results.
After all this analysis of the survey, this is how I would like to summarize:
- Quest net does not NOT:
- help people but promotes greed
- educate people but blinds them
- solve a problem but create more problems
- Also, I made a point to talk to around 10+ questnet members in person. I was surprised to discover the following:
- Questnet members were bitter
- They felt cheated
- They were made worse off
- They were de-motivated
This could be a short list because I’m referring to only about 10+ people whom I met personally and spoke about this. Not sure about the fate of thousands of people who were lured into joining QuestNet in India. All I can say is, if you are willing to cheat your friends or relatives to make money, this is the business for you. One will always rejoice the money they earn hard. Forget not, what a life without few good friends to share your life with? Money is certainly not everything in life…
V Natarajan says
hi Mohan/ all Questnetters!
It is rather unfortunate that many people do not try to understand or believe in the meaningful analysis Maohan has made!. Such Pyramid schemes have been banned in countries like US long ago- and also same/ similar schemes have been taken to courts including in Chennai in the past. Much before the raid on questnet(or such) matter in Chennai yesterday (3rd May 2008), I had cautioned my relatives and friends not to enter into this but inspite my rational and vivid explanations (as shown in Mohan’s tree), they refused to listen to me as one of them happened to be ‘the’ good motivator and she had received already some cheques! Now they are wondering what to do next!
Much earlier (about a decade back) also my own br-in-law was caught in a similar pyramid scheme. He also did not listen to me or my analysis and lost heavily (about Rs54000 for himself and much more for his relatives- this was a ‘website’ scheme!).
I hope people become wiser only after a ‘bitter’ experience. All that glitters is not gold! Even the so called ‘value’ must be bogus ( to make you to retain it without testing etc) – because if you melt the coin, the truth may come out- IT WOULD BE ONLY 12 carats and not 24 Carats!
nice going! pl. keep up the debate so that people can really understand the basics.i see some misleading arguments that everyone will be benefited in millions and crores- this can only happen in ideal conditions- (1)that no branch of the tree breaks at any point and (2) the base of the pyramid extends infinitely to INFINITY!- both cannot happen! commissions for other products is besides the issue!
Wish people become enlightened sooner than later!
Cheers- Natarajan (a senior citizen!)
Mohan says
Dear project_good,
I request you to read some of the comments by readers at
Try to understand the reason why they wish not to join hands with questnet. Please stop promoting such unethical business practices.
There is a famous quote in sankrit that goes like this – लोभः पापस्य कारणं
Meaning: Greed is the cause of sin.
Just as fire dries up a vessel of water, greed dries up the contentment of mind. When greed enters the mind, contentment is pushed out and when contentment comes in, greed has to beat a hasty retreat.
There is no limit for greed. It thirsts for more and more, and does not hesitate to snatch what belongs to others. The only way to remove greed from the mind is to cultivate the virtue of contentment.
All the best in your quest of promoting your greed after reading all this.
project_good says
leslie please give me your emial id as I have some frineds waiting to join this questnet.
Mohan says
@ Leslie,
Can you tell us how QuestNet members are doing good for people? At any given point of time, there is always a loser in this business. More it grows, more the number of losers… I would be glad if you could prove me wrong. If you can’t, that famous saying comes back to you. Please stop spreading the scam before more people become losers in this Quest.Net
Giving speeches like a philosopher is easy than to think and then speak. Do the basic home work on what you are talking first and then come up with something innovative that has not been told by pro-questnet folks all this before.
If you are not able to make enough of money through your regular job, not sure what kind of MNC you work for. You start loving your work, you will certainly be rewarded proportionally sometime down the line. Experience doesn’t really matter to judge what is right and wrong. It needs only a brain to calculate, think and to accept the truth without being selfish. Could you be more clear on what is negative here? Isn’t that the truth? If it is not, I would be glad to be proven wrong.
Shrinidhi Hande says
@leslie, do you have some kind of identity? Or is it another antonmax we’re dealing with?
The pro QN points you’ve raised has already been discussed in Mohan’s blog and other places-I dont see a reason why we should keep beating around the bush.
Anyway in brief, a coin endorsed by a government as official currency might fetch some importance, but QN is a private company. A stamp endorsed by the postal dept fetches importance in the eyes of stamp collectors- but if a private courier company prints some stickers and calls them stamp, do you think people care to collect it?
Anyway, as I said earlier, any sane person would know suicide bombing is a bad idea, but making a terrorist understand that is near impossible- particularly when he has tied the bomb to his belt and holding the trigger…
leslie says
Nagarajan my friend.
You wonder why a gold coin cost 8,000/- and is being sold at 32,000/- 24 thousand differance. I’ll make it simple if you are aware our indian mint also make coins which are for collection. ok if you are aware there was a set of Indian coins of Rs.50. & 5 Rs. coin you know how much the Indian mint sold that 3 coins for Rs. 1037/- and Rs, 565/- ( 5 Rs. at 113 times more the cost ) and the ( 50 Rs. around 21 times ) And quest has quoted 3 times more. what is wrong. when our labour in india is cheap we pay so much for a coin like that. keep in mind labour abroad is not cheap.
leslie says
Hi every body
In English there is a saying that if you cant do good for someone,
then dont even do bad as you dont have the right to do so.
Mohan and Shrinidhi hande I do respect the knowledge that you have and effort
along with the valuable time you are taking to get information about quest nest and its offices
ways of contacting the customers services and the very fact its nothing but to spoil
the companies reputation.
As some where i did read that you 2 have not joined the quest net but you have all the information and that to
negative information of the comany. You know what just because you a a Business Analyst does not mean that you
have to know the in and out of every company. And at the age of 24 if you think an expert i would like to inform
to understand business the way it works you are still a kid.
the amt of time and effort you spend in finding faults in a company utilise that time for your own company they will
God forbid if you have some problem in your work place you will also say bad things about your company its human nature.
I appreciate what my fellow collegue Ajith has to say. we who are in the business with Questnet know what is there for
us in store.
Try your best to spread good information about every thing that you see or know about rather than spending time in giving
lecture to people about something you do not know about or have not been in it.
Nagarajan says
Hi all, Please also visit the site http://www.abisays .com , where you can see fantastic and interesting comments on Questnet.
Siddharth says
Hi Guys,
Like many others even I’m going to say that this business NOT WORTH DOING. I’m not going to say that the company is fraud or anything, they are doing their business correctly.
But what you have to actually see is that this Business plan is totally flawed. The company is making enormous amount of money and paying us peanuts!
1. As someone pointed out earlier, for the 1st cheque u receive, the company pockets approximately 1.8 lacs. No business in this world makes such enormous profits.
2. I was given the following breakup by one of the guys who has joined QN:
Company’s turnover: $1.7 billion
Gross Profit: 70% of the turnover
out of the 70%, 55 % of the money goes in comissions to the members.
7% goes to RHYTHM. 8% is the company’s annual profit.
They also tell you that value of numismatic coins goes up by 3 to 15 times in the timespan of 4 years.
If this is really true, why can’t the company sell the numismatic coins directly to the market?? By doing this they can they will get much higher profits and much much higher sum could be contributed to RYTHM.
So, stop that bullshit about – “They are changing lives”, “Helping Mankind” etc.
3. You have to agree with me there FINITE number of people in this world who can afford 33, 000 bucks. One day, lets say every such person has joined. What will happen to the people who joined late? Lose their money
You can be successful in this business only if you joined early. This is the reason malaysians would be making the most money in this business. It started there you see. No wonder it increased the incomes for the people there. This could be the reason as well why “DATO” was awarded to this Vijay eeshawaran.
4. In their presentations they tell you that this plan was shared with grads from Harvard and even they couldn’t find a loophole. Do you think thats true? You have to be dumb to believe that. Hell, even I have found flaws, why do u need Harvard students.
Its all a showbiz. By using such carefully crafted dialogues, all they want is you to be fooled.
5. I was even told that zaheer khan, gauri khan, dino morea etc. have joined the business. I couldn’t stop laughing.
6. I really get pissed when ppl quote the mineral water and aerated drinks example. They tell you that it costs the company 1 rupee but you pay 12 bucks. even there the company is making huge profits.
Now now…lets get this straight. do these mineral water and cola companies force their drinks into my mouth??? NO. I get thirsty and i buy to quench my thirst. There is a demand and there is a supply! get that?
Is there such a high demand for bio disks or numismatic coins? imagine so many ppl joining QN one day. There will tons and tons of numismatic coins in the world. Do you think it will have any value then? even though the coins are of limited edition, it will lose value.
If it were to retain its high value, why isn’t the company selling it themselves???
afterall they are here to help mankind right. make high profits by selling it in the market and then help the poor. why are they getting ppl like us in the loop???
They are just reaping the benefits from human greed!
instead of waiting for 4 years for coins to gain value, they want to make a qucik buck. Thats the whole plan.
7. The system that they are following is called binary tree. if you are mathematician you will know that. In any binary tree, only 12% of the nodes can gain whereas the other 88% of nodes will lose. Check you maths. What i’m saying is true. You dont have to go to a harvard student to find a flaw!
My strong appeal to others…Please dont join this business.
Mohan says
Hi Nagarajan,
Sorry to know that you lost such a high amount of money. However, I really appreciate you for the act of not promoting this scam any further.
You can reach me on mohan [at] codecritic [dot] in
Nagarajan says
By paying Rs.32000 a person gets gold & silver coins worth Rs.8000 and he looses around Rs.24000. This itself shows that this is not an ethical business. I bought the gold coin without asking any question, purely because of the trust with my friend. I trusted. But he cheated. Now the relationship has been broken. Is this a right business? Please understand money is dangerous.
I would like to know Mr.Mohan’s mail ID. His comments are really thought-provoking.
Mohan says
Hi Shrinidhi,
Sorry if I missed any of your comments. Since I was transitioning from old site to a new one, I might have lost them during this phase. Feel free to post again.
Btw., thanks for that update on Antonmax. Certainly, mouthshut can be a better place now without him.
Shrinidhi Hande says
Hi. You seem to have deleted some comments where I highlighted that QN has started operation under a new identity in Srilanka…
Any reasons for deletion?
Shrinidhi Hande says
An anonymous user with ID Antonmax, who was desparately defending Questnet in Mouthshut, as abrupty deleted his profile, reviews and comments and left Mouthshut…
Most probably QN refused to pay him as he could no more defend QN effectively, hence he quit
Murali says
You have done a great work. I completely agree with you. I don’t know how some people still argue, quesnet is a sustainable business.
questnet is a sustainable business model for the company, no doubt. (that too as long as the country permits) But for the members who are being told at the time of joining, they are buying a business or setting up a business- is it sustainable?.
From the Hindu news you have referred, I could see who is the Senior Counsel for GoldQuest -Mr P. Chidambaram – Is this the reason why questnet again doing very brisk business, from the past couple of years till now and spreading to many cities towns??
Shrinidhi says
Any sane person would agree that suicide bombing is a bad idea… But making a terrorist understand that is near impossible, particularly when he has tied the bomb to his belt and holding the trigger…
Mohan says
Links –
Dear sir, You can’t find a single working *FREE* link on the mighty internet that supported your claim of *POLICE APOLOGIZED to master?*. Hope the subject is clear, don’t give irrelevant links. I didn’t ask links of usatoday/forbes that talks about a BOOK. Microsoft site talks about their own products and solutions study related link for their customer reference.
I strongly urge you to read the contents of the hindu news paper link again. It goes like this…
” The Madras High Court has declined to permit a multilevel marketing company, to operate its frozen bank accounts and from its sealed office premises here.
Justice P. Sathasivam yesterday dismissed a petition from GoldQuest International for an order restraining authorities from continuing to keep sealed their office, Rain Tree Place at Chetpet, and to restrain officials from interfering with the operation of the company’s bank account. ”
Case disposed means, case is closed. But the question here is, in favor of whom? Does that anywhere tell you Goldquest won those cases? for that read the news paper excerpt.
Do you really understand what it means? Go and ask any primary school kid, they will tell you the exact meaning if you are unable to interpret.
Stop posting comments for the heck of posting. Come with a valid argument else I need to cut short this discussion with you.
Jeyakumar says
Hi Mohan,
Good that we are disucssing issues by issues.
Am addressing 2 of Mohans issues here:
1. Links not working
2. Cases against the company.
I gave 7 Links information
1. Myself told link is OUTDATED. So I gave 6 working links.
2. In that according to Mohan, only Blog link is working and he is not trusting because he knows very well BLOG informations NEED NOT be correct. So am taking off that link. So I gave 5 GENUINE and TRUTABLE links.
3.Out of 5, 3 links viz., MICROSOFT, FORBES and USATODAY links are working. Readers please check the links. Mohan, What is your reply for this??? why did you lie??? REPLY FOR THIS. DONT ESCAPE.
4. Remaining 2 links. You have to follow the steps:
step2: Goto “Other Services” in Left Side Pane.
step3: Select “Company Name”
step4: Type in “Questnet Enterprises” and Click SEARCH.
you will get the details about the status readers. dont believe blogs. believe in goverment sites.
step2: Click on “News Archive (Articles Since 1991) ”
step3: in Search Bar, Type “Datuk V”
step4: In Publications, select, “New Straits Times (Include Business Times from June 2006)”
step5: Change years : From 2007 to 2007
step6: Change Months: From 8 to 8
step7: in Displey: Select “Most Relevant First”
step8: see the 12th article dated on 8th August 2007, “Datuk V works on getting name out of Interpol’s list ”
step9: Click on the link. BOWLED. Mohan you are BOWLED. You need subscribe to read it. We cannot get the authorised informations freely man. To read the content of the link: goto
Mohan, Kindly note the year of the cases. Anyone can file the cases. Knidly go through ur link again.
See who has attended the case for the company. Our present Finance Minister.
See the status of the cases you mention. READERS KINDLY CHECK THE STATUS IN THE WEBSITE ITSELf. MOHAN told GQ LOST but the cases are DISPOSED i.e., GQ WON the cases. Dont believe in my words here , PLEASE CHECK YOURSELF.
Criminal Misc. Petition – 3724, Year 2003 -DISPOSED
Criminal Misc. Petition – 840, Year 2003 – DISPOSED
Criminal Misc. Petition – 841, Year 2003 – DISPOSED
Criminal Original Petition – 2347, Year 2003 – DISPOSED
Writ Petition – 37862, Year 2003 – PENDING
Writ Petition – Misc. Petition – 45983, Year 2003 – DISPOSED
Writ Petition – Misc. Petition – 45984, Year 2003 – DISPOSED
Writ Petition – Petition – 45985, Year 2003 – DISPOSED
Mohan, you give a daily wager 500Rs and adk him to file a case on you. He will file and court has to take the case. UNDERSTAND THE LAW.
Mohan, Kindly go thru ur previous reply and then read this again. you are LOST. DONT TAKE REST, you will be knocked out. use your super brain to say something. Come on. ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mohan says
Well done dear friend. You have struggled really hard to defend the scam… haven’t you? Appreciate if you learn from my points below and correct yourself before claiming yourself to be person with lots of *BUSINESS BASICS* and *QUESTNET BASICS*. Now read on…
None of the links provided by you work except an ordinary blog on blogspot. What is the legitimacy of the info on it? You could not to find a link to summarize that police did apologize to a cheap malaysian / great SCAMMER. Those days are gone to pay and read news on internet. So, you can’t find a single link on this mighty internet world that supports your claim?
Now more in the store for you… Lets talk about Indian stories now.
You said – “6. Company name is not changed. they started their First company – Goldquest. after they started many more compnies in the same way how tata started with steels and now into various fields. still Goldquest is the company. Questnet is their marketing wing.”
So, you mean to say Questnet is to market Goldquest.
Can’t believe what you are reading? Now please go to this website of Chennai High Court here:
and search for the following cases:
Criminal Misc. Petition – 3724, Year 2003
Criminal Misc. Petition – 840, Year 2003
Criminal Misc. Petition – 841, Year 2003
Criminal Original Petition – 2347, Year 2003
Writ Petition – 37862, Year 2003
Writ Petition – Misc. Petition – 45983, Year 2003
Writ Petition – Misc. Petition – 45984, Year 2003
Writ Petition – Petition – 45985, Year 2003
All of the above are cases in the Madras High Court which GQ lost. GOLDQUEST faded away and are back in force today in the name of QUESTNET, even the best guardians of the Law let their watch down sometimes – this is an instance. The Right to Information Act makes legal records public, hence I was able to search the Madras High Court’s database and find all this. You can verify it too.
I am taking on one point at a time. I shall write back more on each of the point that you have raised over a period of time. For the time being, I am sure, you need time to rest for few days before you could recover. Take good care of yourself and get well soon.
Shrinidhi Hande says
As I explained above and detailed in my post on analysis of MLM companies, your point is already taken care of…
Shrinidhi Hande says
There is a major difference between working for a salary and working for MLM… In a company, investors put money, employees put time and effort, management uses these two to generate products and services which will be sold to external consumers for money. This money is given to employees as Salary and dividend to investors.
In other words, converting your effort into money in your employers headache.
Now consider MLM-here members are the one who do everything- invest money, put time and effort to find new members, buy the products and eventually pump huge money into MLM company, a small part of which is returned to members as comission…In the hope of getting 5 Rs as commission, members make their friends and relatives pay 100 Rs into company…
I think it is a bad idea…
Most of your points are addressed already in my post-see if you can read and respond. I do not intend to continue this debate here.
Shashank says
Hi all…!
One fact which I want to make is that..! Today world is on the base of networking including our IT industry..! If anyone think that Iam wrong think about once again and again..!
So, future is totally going to be networking. For example we know Mercedes company, which is also into referral marketing and even Google also folowing that. So it is a very good strategy…! So companies which had come earlier with no Vision and Mission and where people joined blindly without having any sort of knowledge about company were suffered, so because of that we cannot simply talk bad about QUEST INTERNATIONAL. Comapny is excellent and Iam sure it will change the lifestyle of the people vey soon and it already made many people millionaries.
Generally why people are negative because, they don’t want to work but want to get money. Tell me yaar do you think earning money is that easy…! without any efforts. First people who think in that way, must change their attitude..! So don’t blame anything without analyzing what is the fact.
Jeyakumar says
Hi Shrinidhi,
you know how employees are getting salary every month. They are putting their Effort and time to get salary. So time and effort are money. But you cannot blame all the employees, how they can get salary without giving any money to the employer. The Basis of all the business model is like time + effort = money. In Network marketing :: money + time + effort = big money.
Try to understand the value of people’s time and effort.
P.S: Why did you point out this alone man. Accepted everything else or trying to find any more stupid bugs in that?
Ajith says
Sorry Shrinidhi for the mistake in Name.
“Yes… You can make millions if you and your downliners together pay couple of billions to QuestNet…” –
Can you say any job or bussiness in this World on the other way – Means we are paying less and we are getting more..
If you are going to say Shares or Mutual funds Please analise it clearly before you say..
Understand one thing first – No company in this world is open for Charity, They want profit to sustain.
All companies will do bussiness in profitable manner and obviously QI also doing that. QI(and like Companies) is making Coustomers rich and other companies make their Brand Ambassadors and Advertising companies rich. That is only diffrence.
I am sure IF QI is paying Crores to their Brand Ambassador no one will say nothing. And you are saying these all because they are dividing that amount with the Coustomers.
I can easily understand these feelings – lets take one case
Consider me and one of my friend went to Business meeting and after that My friend Joined the Bussiness and I didnt.
After six months of his Hard work he made a nice time and getting 50 to 60 thousand rupees every month form this Bussiness.
What I will say – I will defenitely say He is doing some thing wrong and I will try to make him a funny figure in front of my friends.
This is the exact thing happening here.
Many people said to me before I started my Bussiness that dont join this bussiness you will be a looser..The same people saying the same now also..Nothing Changed.. And they will not change also..
Who Cares..
I have nothing more to say..
Mayoor says
“Question # 7 : Do you recommend Questnet to your friends?
Questnet members seem to have learnt their mistake. 60% said a definite No to this question.”
Here is your suvey’s original result. When 62% are analyse about the business and 50% know about the business; still only 30% are really doing their job. The others are only joining with dreams that somebody else will work for them. Are you thinking that will happen? When you are opening a shop, you need to take care also. If you are opening your shop and going to sleep; how it will run? You ask many questions. Can I ask you that you are a member of QI? And you know about the business correctly?
If you like to discuss with me, contact with my mail ID.
Shrinidhi Hande says
“You can make millions IF YOU WORK”
Yes… You can make millions if you and your downliners together pay couple of billions to QuestNet…
If possible read this book, written by a former ANWAY Emerald distributor…Gives an inside view of how MLM organizations brainwash their members to follow a non existant financial freedom while robbing them of their hard earned money…
Shrinidhi Hande says
@Ajith: My name is Shrinidhi not Srinithi..
I am not a GoldQuest member and I was just responding to a comment by Shashidhar wherein he said he has 120 people under him and got lakhs in comission…
Regarding the 17.5%… Calculate for yourself- Assume you’re the first person in the company and there’re 10 level under you- 2,4,8,16, 32,64, and so on…
Now calculate total money paid by all members and calculate how much is paid to yourself and everyone under you…
katsby says
Hey Mohan, have you yourself joined questnet? have you tried to understand this business model?
if not we are wasting time.
Questnet offers legal, ethical business opportunity, however if someone misuses the same, you cannot hold QN responsible.
Ajith says
Hi Every body,
I am sorry to interfering here. May be My English is not good..Please be sorry to me.
I read all the comments made by Mohan, Jayakumar and else. Nice Hot discussion..
First itself – I am also doing Business with Quest International Ltd(not Gold Quest).
We are offering a wide range of products includes Numismatic Coins, Vaccation Packages, Health products, Watches, Jewelry etc.It is really unfortunate that every one is talking only about Coins. May be Coins are the Starting Products from Our Company(baised on Cost) so people are preferring that to buy.
When I started Business with this company about three Months Back. I dont have a large team under me. But I am sure all people with me is clear about what they are doing.
I am working in a French Baised IT Company and the and the Major Share holders are baised in UK and France. I am working hard every day. They are getting large Projects and doing all the Codings and testing here in India. Only Branding is done in France. Which Means 95 Percent of the Work is done in India and do you people know how much they are spending for us – Not more than 10 Percent of the Biding amount. If the same work is done by French or British People they have to spend 78 Percent.
That means that we are boosting the pocket of some French people and British people – right Mohan? Are we doing any thing wrong here? I said this becase you said like a lot of money is going out of India and another thing like a ‘Greedy Malasian Guy’ made this company to make himself money. Then all IT people are boosting some UK or US People’s Poket no?
Please dont become upset if I say one thing Mohan – I will say that You start a company with same statagy and Bussiness model of Quest International Ltd and prove that it is a success, I promise I will join with you. Saying is very easy my friend but to do it is very difficult.
I am respecting the MD of the company for making such a nice system and prooved that it will Work. Most of the companies will become rich and make rich the Share holders and investers. But Our company became rich and stable by making the customers rich. Please correct me if I am wrong.
@Srinithi – I dont know how you made such a large team. Please add to your knowledge that – if one new sale happend under you, the commission will not end with you but upto the top it will continue.
For example a sale happend at 100th position and your are comming at 50th position, not only people between 100 and 50 gets the commision, but the people upto 1 will get the commision.
I will request Srinithi to trace back to all your uplines upto to first level and calculate the amount percentage divided by the company among with all of them. I am sure it will be more than 17.5 % as you mentioned. If you are not clear with this please drop a blog I will explain it again. I am saying not only becase of you I am caring and respecting 120 people under you.
Mohan – I am not saying that you are saying any thing wrong. Some people cannot see both sides. All the people attended my Presentaion is clear about the bussiness plan. And I will say clearly the successful and failure cases.
One more thing Mohan – I am not an employer or a consultancy guy to recruit people. May be Quest International Ltd will recruit their employees. I am a Customer and I am promoting their products. And more over I am not paying any guy. Company is also not paying any wages or Salary. Company is giving Commission. Please say one thing Mohan – When we will get Commission? When we sell one produt right? If some people cannot do that how can they expect that company will pay Commission to them. Correct me if I am wrong.
What I am doing is very simple – I purchased a produt and I knew that selling more product in my both sides will make me more profitable. So I will identify two guys from my whole contacts in this world who can Buy this product and promote these products. After that I will help them to promote these Product. The two people I found will also doing the same thing as I did. I think you Got it – right Mohan?
I am not saying to know the basic and all those stuffs.AS I am IT technical Guy may be I also dont know the Basics of Business. But I am sure What I am doing. I am doing it Etically..What all the promises I given to my two friends I am following very stictly..
One more last thing I am saying to all who are reading this blog – Please understnd that every one cannot do this bussiness..I will say the people who are confident on themself only can do. That means the people who are believing themself and take a decesion by themself. I will always say to my team mates that only identify those type of people..dont unnecesserly give this wonderful oppurtunity to some people those who dont like themself and make this world dark by closing their own Eyes..
Thanks for your time and appresiating your interest to know more..
Keep it up..
Thanks once again.
Jeyakumar says
Hi Mohan, let us make this useful. When I say something you are telling something. So here after we will have one issue for each post once we are clarified with that issue. we will move on to the next. here i am giving you the basics. Whatever the issues you have, you just list all the issues reg. this post and your own issues here. then we will discuss on each issues one by one. let it be a healthy discussion.
Business Basics:
1. Network marketing – No advertisement.So no money for media(TV,Channels,Radio,newpaper etc).So enemy for media.
2. To purchase a product from a network marketing company, you need referer’s ID like how we created our gmail ID.
3. You can make millions IF YOU WORK.
Questnet Basics:
1. No Investment. only product purchase. Product is worth for the money. So no loss. If you dont like Numismatic coins MADE OF gold, go for Holiday Packages. Dont come to the business if you dont like. Company is not forcing you.
2. Its not a pyramid. So sustainable.
3. Company is legally making profits so will not run away. Pays commision only from the marketing cost of the product.
4. Not recruiting. Without having single person under you, you can make millions.
5. 23 countries government approved. Legal in few countries in the same way how few Indian bank credit cards are illegal in few countries.
6. Company name is not changed. they started their First company – Goldquest. after they started many more compnies in the same way how tata started with steels and now into various fields. still Goldquest is the company. Questnet is their marketing wing. It is a 66 group caompany and each company has its own website in the same way, how tata has separate site for their each companies.
7.Microsoft is not a fool.
8.Indian government is not a fool. www. -> other services -> Company Name -> “Questnet Enterprises”
9. Actual link of apology.
Please note the link. Its dated Aug 8th 2007 from CURRENT NEWS column. now its archieved. to goto archieve. read the 10th news heading, Datuk V works on getting name out of Interpol’s list. You have to subscribe to get the news. Its not a free subscription. to read the news goto the BLOG
More about vijay eswaran:
3. Read THE HINDU dated Jan 8th 2008
Mohan says
If at all you were to come and reply here again, come with answers to all the questions I have previously posted. Else, give up the debate…
There is certainly life beyond and without questnet! Go out and Get life…
Jeyakumar says
1. Written Communication ethics is not defined when we write to a person or about a person. Its for everything. It doesn’t matter you talk about person or a company, you have to follow the written communication ethics. When you expect something from others, first you follow that.
2. Basics of the Business:
Mohan says
Dear friend, I am not here to have a verbal fight with you. Control your emotions and learn written communication basics. Readers would have already figured out from your comments that you don’t have solid proof to support your claims.
Man, enough of your clueless and pointless *basics of business* non-sense. Why can’t you share it here if you know that? Why would one need to come to you place to know them? Is that some kind of secret to share on web?
1. Do you understand basic english? If you do, You wouldn’t have asked the first question in your last comment otherwise.
2. Who is a liar? people know it better whether its you or me.
3. When the blog is mine, thoughts are mine as well. I don’t need to put a disclaimer the way you suggest. You have no right to ask me to do so.
4. You have 66 websites! Wonderful… Welcome to the internet and let me introduce to an already existing concept called domains and sub-domains.
5. Would you mind sharing those links where police apologized the questnet head?
6. Where is the answer for my question? – Can you explain why company changed its name to questnet from goldquest?
Jeyakumar says
“attended atleast 3 such presentations”
Jeyakumar: Not even remembering the no. of presentations you attended. The no. is not so big to forget. Dont lie here after okay. Let me consider you attended 3 presentation. Now, not only 3 Mohan, even if a person with closed mind attends for 30000times, he cannot understand. Anyway dont lie okay.
Jeyakumar: Comeeeeee Onnnnn man. Understand the basics of QuestNet. The link content is no way related with QuestNet plan. I am feeling sorry for you man. Bad understandingof the subject.
“How come all the questnet members are talking rubbish unlike you?”
Jeyakumar: Again a Lie. See you are in a pool of people who are having attitude problem, so you will feel like that only. Come out of that small bad pool, you will see where the maximum no. of people are standing.
“I am here to write what I think of.”
Jeyakumar: Good that you accepted that whatever you write here is your opinion. With every topic you include the line,”I put my opinion here. It need not be the truth”
“Do you understand why company has so many websites instead of just one as any legitimate MNC would have?”
Jeyakumar: Again basics problem. We have 66 companies. Each has its own website.
“Vijay Eswaran arrest links”
Jeyakumar: Here attitude problem man. All are old links about the arrest. Again search the net to get news regarding his release with the apology from the police.
P.S.: Am staying near Whitefield, Bangalore. If you really want to understand the business, come to my place with all the issues.
Mohan says
I have very little to say here since you say that I don’t know the *Basics* of Questnet. I have attended atleast 3 such presentations to understand this questnet business. If I haven’t understood the basics yet, then those presenters [3 different people from different teams] were terribly bad.
You sir, explain clearly how everyone can think the you want them to be? What is that you have found/understood so different from others in questnet. How come all the questnet members are talking rubbish unlike you?
Here is the right link again for you to read and understand –
By the way, this is my blog. I am here to write what I think of. Not to write the way you think. If you care so damn to prove that you are right go and educate the thousands of questnet members on what they are doing wrong. If all of them are wrong, then there must be something wrong the way you are thinking. Go consult a psychiatrist, that might help you to get well soon. You do the exercise of standing in front of a mirror and ask yourself whether you are promoting this business to help others or to get a part of the money back into your pocket in the form of a commission.
Do you understand why company has so many websites instead of just one as any legitimate MNC would have?
Can you explain why company changed its name to questnet from goldquest?
Shrinidhi Hande says
I do not intend to start a verbal battle here- If you’re confident your coin will fetch a huge return one day I wish you all the best. If you can sell it for a reasonable profit in near future let us know. Good luck.
Well, may be I don’t know the “basics of the subject” as you “know” it…Consider explaining that for us…If possible read my post and give your opinion to 19 odd observations I have listed there…
Jeyakumar says
@Shrinidhi Hande
Self Realisaion problem man. You go and check all your belongings and categorize as Government product and Private company product. Private company product will out number the goverment products. I guess you dont know the 138 years old history of a company which is minting the coins for Goldquest International. Its okay man just a knowledge problem. QuestNet product also limited edition man. Rarity depends on the comparision no.If you get 8 marks out of 10. Its good. But if you score the same 8 out of 100 thats bad. Similar to that. You take the government coins and goto the and same pawn broker, you will understand the things man. Hey I dont say bad about the government coins, i just mean the platform you are using for those coins is wrong.
And to your reply to Shasidhar made me to think you are also not aware of the BASICS of the SUBJECT.
Jeyakumar says
“Remember Rs. 1037 is anytime affordable to a common Indian as a hobby.”
Jeyakumar: 1037 Rs is not affordable for many people as a hobby. If 30K is not affordable for a person. Questnet is not for them. So dont talk about affordability.
“That too, no one is pushing the indian money out of country like what questnet does though Indian government mint.Do they?
Jeyakumar: Be India Buy India Generation are over. Read about Globalization then talk about the money flow in/out of the country.
“Is 1:33 a comparable ratio?”
Jeyakumar: Dont add up your points without any sense. Dont compare between a calculator and laptop. Try to learn the basics of comparision then do your comparision.
“If I change the word ‘RECRUIT’, does the questnet model change?”
Jeyakumar: My Boy, for QuestNet Business Model, the word ‘RECRUIT’ would not make any sense. As I told you earlier, understand the topic completely and then continue.
“You have seen only that shine, go out and talk to those who have lost their money in questnet. You get to realize the reality.”
Jeyakumar: When the product is really worth for the money, how come people can loose the money.
Mohan, Because everyday lot of road accidents are happening we cannot say Road Transport is illeagal and cheating. Because of IT industry, cost of living is increasing and real estate prices are increasing and affecting the most people of india, we cannot say IT industry is cheating and illeagal.
Mohan, in reality when the product purchased is worth for the money in network marketing, there is no loss in the business. You can loose in Network marketing only when you quit. You just go out and tell the people “Guys the company is still there and growing strong, you can continue the business”. Understand the reality and continue the topic.
“Prove me wrong in my initial analysis about questnet. If you haven’t read that, go read it at ”
Jeyakumar: Link is going to some other topic.
“Tell users how it is a sustainable business before proceeding any further. Oh yeah.. you don’t like this questnet to be addressed as a business right, with your ocean knowledge, could you explain what is the necessity of marketing if it is not a business?”
Jeyakumar: I would like to clarify that I never sais QuestNet is not a business. Its purely business. You guys were discussing about the loss of money so I told when the product is worth for the money there is no loss.
Mohan, as long as the company is paying the commission to the customers from the marketing cost of the product ONLY, the business model will sustain. Business model will collapse only when the company pays commision from its own money pool. but here its pure business company uses the marketing cost ONLY to pay the commision. so it is sustainable model. For more details, you need to know the basics of marketing, and the basics of QuestNet business model but unfortunately you are not aware of both.
“Have some common sense before saying that I am biased. Aren’t you biased in favor of it? Everyone is biased in this world my friend”
Jeyakumar: Go and stand infront of the mirror and tell this mohan. Here I can be biased because I am part of the participant but you are the one who is running the show so you cannot be biased. You shud get the points from both the end and you shud give the justification. Hope you know the role of referee/umpire in sports. If not get to know and open any topics.
“But the goal here is to bring awareness so that people don’t get trapped into a cheap unethical practice like the one that Questnet operates on. ”
Jeyakumar: Wonderful goal man. Have a vision for this platform being used as a AWARENESS POINT for everyone. For that you shud know the BASICS of the SUBJECT. Kindly do that man.
“This practice might make someone a millionaire, but at the cost of what? Think as a responsible person in the society of an Independent INDIA, not as a greed Malaysian who wants to make money at the cost of others.”
Jeyakumar: My Dear Boy, Kindly understand the basics of this business and talk. Dont fool yourself.
“FREEdom is a hard earned effort. Have you ever thought why we lost our freedom? Because of selfishness & greed. Those two are the base for questnet to lure people into to it. So, all I am saying is don’t lose the freedom that you have now to reinvent a new form of FREEdom that is far away from reality.”
Jeyakumar: Dont talk rubbish just for the sake replying to me man. kindly listen to me, “Please understand the topic and talk”
“If this was just about coins and nothing of a business, why the hell did multiple countries banned this questnet? Wake up… don’t keep yourself comfortably in a nutshell”
Jeyakumar: To know the reason, you need to have the BASICS of ECONOMY of country. If you have any credit cards, just see the back side of it and you will get the reason. Dont simply wake up and live man, open your eyes and mind.
BOTTOM LINE: Mohan, without understanding the subject, running the show. Useless for everyone. He just replying against because he wants to talk against. So the judgement will be one sided only. If the readers really wants the truth, Please go and ask the person WHO KNOWS BASICS. then you analyse yourself. Dont use someone’s dusted brain to take your decision.
Shrinidhi Hande says
If you had 120 people under you Rs 27,60,000 would have been flown into GoldQuest (Rs 23000 * 120, I am discounting 10k per member towards product, tax and other expenses). Of this money, only 17.5 % is returned to members …
Shrinidhi Hande says
@ Jeyakumar: A coin will fetch some value if it is endorsed by a government agency as official currency or it is very unique with only few of them present- Questnet is private company and it mints coins in thousands-I seriously doubt if anyone would pay huge price for them… Check for yourself the status of various bids in or go ask a pawn broker how much he is willing to pay for that coin…
@Mohan: I’ve added you to my blogroll
Mohan says
Dear sir, remember Rs. 1037 is anytime affordable to a common Indian as a hobby. That too, no one is pushing the indian money out of country like what questnet does though Indian government mint.Do they? Is 1:33 a comparable ratio?
Let me re-introduce to the actual definition. “Numismatic – Of or pertaining to coins or currency.” If I change the word ‘RECRUIT’, does the questnet model change? There are many words in english that can show the polished side of the scam. You have seen only that shine, go out and talk to those who have lost their money in questnet. You get to realize the reality.
Prove me wrong in my initial analysis about questnet. If you haven’t read that, go read it at Tell users how it is a sustainable business before proceeding any further. Oh yeah.. you don’t like this questnet to be addressed as a business right, with your ocean knowledge, could you explain what is the necessity of marketing if it is not a business?
Have some common sense before saying that I am biased. Aren’t you biased in favor of it? Everyone is biased in this world my friend. But the goal here is to bring awareness so that people don’t get trapped into a cheap unethical practice like the one that Questnet operates on. This practice might make someone a millionaire, but at the cost of what? Think as a responsible person in the society of an Independent INDIA, not as a greed Malaysian who wants to make money at the cost of others.
FREEdom is a hard earned effort. Have you ever thought why we lost our freedom? Because of selfishness & greed. Those two are the base for questnet to lure people into to it. So, all I am saying is don’t lose the freedom that you have now to reinvent a new form of FREEdom that is far away from reality.
If this was just about coins and nothing of a business, why the hell did multiple countries banned this questnet? Wake up… don’t keep yourself comfortably in a nutshell. Come out and see what is going around in various countries on EARTH before asking me whether I come from MARS!
Readers who are going through my blog certainly know what is correct. If you think you are one strong person who can succeed in questnet go on. All the best.
Jeyakumar says
1. Mohan : “Tell the readers frankly.. is that what you tell people while recruiting them? ”
Jeyakumar: Good that you accept that the product is worth for the money.
2. “is that what you tell people while recruiting them? ”
Jeyakumar: Replace the word “recruiting”, if you don’t then it means you dont know the business clearly. Close the topic and understand it and reopen it later.
3.”You show the never achievable dream of becoming a millionaire!”
Jeyakumar: I think you live in Mars
4. “the motive behind the business is to mint peoples money. The actual business is to recruit people”
Jeyakumar: Government cares people more than you. First yuo have the vision for your personal life then visualize the vision of someone.
5. If questnet were to sell only the Numismatic coins, why can’t they simply let people buy coins without having to quote a referring persons id?
Give our readers one simple example of any questnet product that can be bought without a referrer’s id. Can you?
Jeyakumar: Sorry man. You won here. But I beg you before continuing further you please understand the LKG of Marketing principles. Please man.
6.”If you say anything is ‘FREE’, then that ‘FREE’ should be as in ‘FREEDOM’”
Jeyakumar: FREEDOM didn”t come easily man.
Final Result: Mohan’s analysis is one sided. He never tried to understand anything about the subject.
Suggestion: Note down all your issues and understand the business from me. Then you will never talk bad about this.
Mohan says
Tell the readers frankly.. is that what you tell people while recruiting them? No, you show the never achievable dream of becoming a millionaire!
The universal truth is that, numismatic coin is only a reason to quote the business. However the motive behind the business is to mint peoples money. The actual business is to recruit people. If questnet were to sell only the Numismatic coins, why can’t they simply let people buy coins without having to quote a referring persons id?
Give our readers one simple example of any questnet product that can be bought without a referrer’s id. Can you?
If you say anything is ‘FREE’, then that ‘FREE’ should be as in ‘FREEDOM’. Who is close minded now? Get well soon.
Jeyakumar says
Hi to all closed minded people,
QN Basics: No investment. Only a purchase. Business is FREE of COST. The Numismatic Coins may not be of your interest but its worth for the money(any doubt??? visit and understand the value of Numismatic). Government Selling 50Rs coin 1037Rs. Govt. not cheating yaar its the value for Numismatics. First be clear in this guys then talk about the business.
Singer says
One Simple network (nodes) formula : “In a binary tree model total number of parent nodes are always less than half of the total number of nodes” this formula stands true for all binary tree models nonetheless if they have 3 nodes or a million nodes.
In questnet there is everything to loose but nothing to again except persuasive salesmanship. People in questnet tend to look every person they know as a potential sales target and start persuading them to join the scheme.
Guys please wake up, maximum number of people will definitely loose money in this questnet and most importantly you will loose freindship….
Mohan says
Some people never seem to understand the basics of life, I am sad that you are one of them. Money can make you get a dog, but you can’t make it to wag whenever you want. In the quest of making money, you have lost so much of valuable time and peace of mind. Do you ever get to think of anything apart from making money?
When you say effort, what are you talking about? recruiting more and more members? Think again, how far you are adversely affecting the economical imbalance in the name of currency draining out of our country.
I don’t understand when you folks realize that the questnet business model is not a sustainable one. I really pity you all for knowing so much about this model, still asking others to invest. Can any one prove me wrong logically how this questnet model can be a sustainable one over a period of time?
Ramakant says
Hi frnds,
My only one motto is no system is wrong, the wrong is sitting inside us. if u really put the effort, why cann’t u get success. I m also in the QuestNet i have also seen lot of problems but i passed through all these problem. what i tells to everyone, while joining to the QuestNet u might have thought of big big dream, but if u want to achieve that dream then work for that dream and put the effort, don’t blam to others. upto what time u will be blaming to others. If u read the success store of any great man then u will realise by simply investing money they didn’t become great, but they put the effort accordingly then only they become such a great. Now also u can wake up and start putting the effort, it’s my assurity that u will become sucessful person.
Mohan says
@ Shashidhar,
Thanks for appreciating my work. Also, I need to congratulate you and your team for earning 7+ laks in commission. Good going, keep it up. By the way, I have the following questions/doubts which I am unable to understand. Can you explain me please?
1. In your team of 120 members, obviously bottom 60+ people wouldn’t have got a single rupee as commission. Considering a perfect balance on both your right and left sides of your tree, The max that you could have earned so far as a TEAM cannot be more than 1.2 laks. Can you make me understand how is it possible to generate a commission of 7+ laks with a team of just 120 members?
2. Have you ever thought of how much money your team has put in Questnet? It is close to 40 laks! of which you got only 7 laks as per your claim. Questnet is enjoying the remaining 33 laks and this money has gone out of India. Have you thought about it?
3. Last but not the least, Your company has proved that, it is like asking new members to jump in to a river of 60 meters depth [which was not told earlier] when the person knows no swimming at all. Once they jump in, tell them the actual depth and ask them to go deeper to get the already invested money by giving ads like that.
Anyways.. all the best to your teams quest of getting your money back. Btw, please stop misguiding people with wrong numbers.
shashidhar says
Dear friend, u have realy done good job, but one thing i have to say, just considering 66 per survey u cant deside that questnet not good, now also thosands of people are joining quest net per week in india are they fool? are they not understood the business plan? if any person invests that huge money they have think and invest, r they realy going work or r they realy inneed of this business, when they fail to intraduce and not able to spend time for this business and started blaming company is not good this is spam bla bla bla. all MLM are good, peoples are bad they dont know the system and they will join.
in my team only so may peoples are geting commission my team size only 120 from past 7 months my team earned 7+ lak commission. 2 days back only our compay is given add in deccan herald that it is not money minting company persons who join to the business they should clearly understand the business plan and they have to spend time for this business.
Shrinidhi Hande says
Good work Mohan…