In continuation with the theme of 'Water Conservation, Efficient Consumption', here comes the next article. Not sure how many of you are aware of a cost effective products like Automatic water level controllers that are available in the market. We installed one such device soon after completing the construction of our sweet home! It has been running without any trouble for 4.5+ years now. Just a month back we had to replace the metal electrode cum level sensors in the overhead tank, which is … Read more… about Automatic Water Level Controllers
Contest : Aloe vera saplings giveaway
Announcing the 'Go Green' giveaway contest for all my blog readers. As mentioned before, I have half a dozen of Aloe Vera saplings to be given away. To be a winner of this contest, just follow these simple steps to qualify: 1. Write a post on your blog sharing some simple tip(s) towards efficient usage of water for house hold purposes. 2. It could also be an informative article which helps fellow people to think about the importance of using water efficiently. 3. Needless to say, add a Link in … Read more… about Contest : Aloe vera saplings giveaway
Beware of Dieffenbachia – Dumb Cane plant

This plant is commonly used for interior decoration in many offices and homes. Be cautious about having this plant where kids would roam around as it is moderately poisonous, mainly for the children. Got this information in a mail forward and upon digging more details, got to learn more about this plant. It should be uprooted from gardens and taken out of offices. If you touch this plant by any chance, make sure you don't touch eyes unless the hands are cleaned thoroughly since it can cause … Read more… about Beware of Dieffenbachia – Dumb Cane plant
Water Conservation, Efficient Consumption

With the ever growing urban development needs of cities all over the country, water availability and supply has become a major civic issue. In recent times, we are facing severe water shortage in Bangalore. Let us face the reality. We are not really conservative about our water resources. It is a known fact that the ground water levels are depleting at an alarming rate everywhere in our country, NASA had to come up with a study to enlighten us. Agricultural produce is hitting all time low … Read more… about Water Conservation, Efficient Consumption
Mother’s Day : Today and Everyday!

Mother's Day symbolizes honoring mother and motherhood. People around the world are celebrating "Mother's Day" by sending flowers, gifts and cards to their mothers. In my view, this day has been commercialized to maximum possible extent by thrusting upon the sentiment of mother! For all of us who hail from the Indian origin, we have the highest regards towards mother. The Taittariya Upanishad which dates back to 10,000 years BC has a famous saying which goes as below: मातृ देवो भव पितृ देवो … Read more… about Mother’s Day : Today and Everyday!