Have you ever thought of blocking or disabling all those annoying ads on various websites? If you have been looking for a solution for that question, this article is for you. With this you will regain the full control on information instead of searching for content in between ads! Follow each of the steps mentioned here carefully and you will have a complete freedom from the ads!
1. The first and foremost requirement is the ‘FireFox’ browser. If you don’t have it on your system yet, go and get the Mozilla FireFox browser. Don’t panic, this is one of the popular browsers if you are not aware of it. The best part is that Firefox can be installed on all the operating systems including Microsoft windows, Apple Mac OS X as well as Linux.
2. Once you have the browser installed, get the Adblock Plus.This is an add-on extension for firefox. Installation is again very simple and if you need more info, watch the video on their site. Did I tell you that it is absolutely FREE?
3. Now go ahead and visit all your favorite sites using firefox. There is a remote chance that you might find some ads on few sites. If you find any such ads that haven’t been blocked by this addon, you just need to chose the option of ‘Open blockable items’ and set the filters.
There are options to disable this Adblock plus on your list of selected choice if you want to see the ads. This add on does provide you with a wide set of preferences to fine tune it to match your customization options. The benefit doesn’t just end there. You will be able save some bandwidth traffic too since your browser need not download and render the ads, there by it boosts your page rendering performance.
If you use safari browser, you have a similar solution. Get the Adblock for Safari, customize the installation. You are all set on safari browser too! Isn’t that simple? Go ahead and get the freedom to browse for the content of your choice without getting annoyed by the ads! I am yet to figure out a similar solution for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. Not sure if they ever support such a feature. Come what may… OpenSource and GNU general public license rocks!!!
Antarman says
I have firefox, now going to add this also. thanks for giving this info!
Mohan says
Hi Antarman, good to know that you are already using Firefox! You are most welcome
Raj says
oh come on, you yourself are using ads on your blog. It is like a thief telling others how to escape from thieves. ha ha ha
Mohan says
Awesome! this is the question i was expecting from my blog readers. I am glad you bought it up. The whole intention of this article is to provide all my blog readers who don’t like to see ads can skip it that way. Though I am using very minimal number of ads, it doesn’t interfere with user experience. If you have any feedback on that feel free to drop in your suggestions.
If I were so concerned about protecting my revenue from ads, I wouldn’t have published this article at all! I care for my blog readers and that is why this article.
Sneha says
blocking ads sounds great. even i have been not just annoyed but disgusted with some of the sites because of the way they make people look at ads. i liked the way you have put the ads. it looks so simple and elegant. you have a very nice blog mohan. coming here for the first time.
Mohan says
Thank you! welcome and hope to see you frequently
shruti says
Cool Mohan! So HELPFUL…Wonder, how you such Innovative ideas for your posts all the time…Am a big fan of your BLOG
Mohan says
Hey Shruti, thanks for your applaudable comment! you made my day
I am planning to come up with a Facebook Fan widget for my blog soon!
vineeta says
Ah! Its very useful actually! U knw.. when u search for a hindi masala song on net.. it gets very embarassing with ads popping up everywhere! I m sure this will be pakka paisa wasool tool (though its free :P)
Mohan says
I am not against ads as long as they don’t trouble or interfere with the user browsing experience. But when it comes too complicated to find content in the middle of ads, the problem starts. The onus is on the site admins and the webmasters to ensure the user experience is not compromised! I am glad this post is very useful to you
shraddha says
that is a great idea!!! but I kinda like ads…and if a friend has ads on their blog..i always make it a point to click it to get them few bucks..
Mohan says
well shraddha, i wont support what you are doing. I am all with you if one finds some relevant ad at the time of browsing the content. But clicking ads for the heck of making someone make some quick bucks isn’t good for any of the advertiser, publisher or the online marketing industry. It will hurt everyone some or the other time.
lostworld says
Yet another fundoo post !!
Thaaaannk You !!!!
Mohan says
yay!!! Thanks # 5
Shrinidhi Hande says
Any idea abt chrome? Wondering when will Google and microsoft implement this feature
Mohan says
There are few ways to block, but they aren’t efficient like this adblock plus. Will post more on that once I get a better clarity with reliable ways to block ads
teendudes says
Thanks alot for the valued information…Browsing devoid of ads is really the need of internet users!!
Mohan says
hey.. welcome to my blog! Spot on
Swaram says
Ahh there is the solution
Can’t tell u hw thankful I am .. prob so many of them wud be 
Mohan says
I am surprised that so many of don’t like ads and yet we have found a way to live with them! let me count all of them.. your’s is third
kavita says
Thanks a lot Mohan, you are going to collect many thanks because of this post.I have firefox, gotta get this adblock.
Mohan says
Oh yeah.. your’s is already second
look forward to hear your thoughts on how it feels to browse in the ad free world!
Reshma says
Ah! thank you so much for this. You can’t imagine the kind of pain I was going through because of these ads. Especially on sites like mouthshut and ibnlive… they had folded the content in the middle of ads as you have aptly pointed out. I just got it set up on my fire fox too and I see nothing but the real content! thank you so much once again.
Mohan says
Well, I gave up on mouthshut for the same reason. With my adblock, ibnlive looks like nothing but a kind of garbled text site!!! You are most welcome.. I am glad it was useful to you.