Is farrari back to dominate 2008 F1 series? Anyone who saw today’s Malaysian F1 Grand Prix qualifying session would say yes. However, I am still not convinced that the current Ferrari F1 engine is reliable yet. Last weekend, it was very much evident in the season opening race at Australian GP. Even I am an hardcore fan of Ferrari. All I wish is that Ferrari wins with both the cars at the top of the list.
At the same time McLaren seem to be in a better engine compared to that of Ferrari’s. Hamilton is certainly a driver to watch out for in this season. Kovalainen is giving a good support to McLaren. Unlinke Alonso – Hamilton combination which ran in to controversies towards the end of 2007 season, Hamilton – Kovalainen are complimenting each other to work as a team. Other teams are doing well too in 2008 season so far. I see a strong fight from Honda, BMW, Red Bull teams as well. Unlike last years domination by the big two teams, F1 fans will have a lot to cheer for this year. Picture courtesy –
By the way, have you ever played fantasy Formula one on Yahoo! sports? If you haven’t, feel free to do so by clicking on this link. Happy racing.
Mohan says
Like I had predicted, Massa finished 3rd today while Hamilton driving on McLaren emerged as the Monoco GP today!
Mohan says
Well, I doubt if ferrari can do a 2 place podium finish. Any one of those 2 cars might make it. For a technical circuit like Monaco, i would go with McLaren
Mohan says
Well, I doubt if ferrari can do a 2 place podium finish. Any one of those 2 cars might make it. For a technical circuit like Monaco, i would go with McLaren
Suhail T says
Hey Mohan,
Today Ferrari has made it for the first row of monaco gp. I bet ferrari will win 1-2 on podium tomorrow. Whats your take?
Naveen says
Hey Mohan, i too have signed up for this fantasy GP on Yahoo!. Howz your team doing? After the first 3 races of this season, I am having 95 points! Dare to challenge me?
Naveen says
Hey Mohan, i too have signed up for this fantasy GP on Yahoo!. Howz your team doing? After the first 3 races of this season, I am having 95 points! Dare to challenge me?