Queen of a night flowers bloomed again today on my roof top garden. This year there are 5 flowers on a single evening! Today was a pleasant rainy day and when I came back from classes, these special guests were waiting for me to begin a photo shoot session The aroma of these flowers […]
Responsible use of Credit Cards
Have you been thinking of reducing credit card bills month on month? Here is my version of the story on extracting the best value out of credit card by optimized and responsible usage. My expenditure on credit card was increasing steadily and this made me to sit down and understand what was happening. I wasn’t […]
High triglycerides – Causes & Controls
Yahoo! has been kind enough to sponsor employees annual health check up all these years and this year was no exception amidst global recession signs. Last week I had been to a diagnostic center for health check up, this gave me some good and bad news. The good news is that various test results showed […]
Motor Insurance in India – 2
Today I am listing down the various things one should keep in mind while renewing a car or bike insurance policy. Continuing from my previous post on exploring various insurance providers in India, I must say the story has taken a happy twist. As soon as 9 am in the morning, I started getting calls […]
Motor Insurance Renewal in India
Just a while back I recalled that my car insurance is about to expire in another 3 days which is from Reliance General Insurance. I was expecting some kind of notification from the policy provider to remind me about the expiry date. Reliance has failed miserably on that front. However, I have a two wheeler […]