Partial Solarization of house: If you want to make more impact, there are solutions you can use in your home. Eg. you can convert some or all of your lights/fans/television to run on Solar power. This way, you will never need to miss your favorite TV show due to power cuts. Here is a simple […]
Guest Posts
Solar Electricity – Products!!
A great variety of Solar Lamps/Lanterns: Solar Lanterns are the most common solar gadgets. They come in various sizes and brightness levels. They are portable and rechargeable through solar power (most of them can be recharged by AC power too). Some of them have option of mobile charger too. Solar lanterns can be great replacement […]
Solar Electricity – Part 3
What is available? So far we have seen why Solar Electricity and why is it not so popular so far. Solarization of the whole house is little too expensive for many of us. However, we can go Solar in a partial way. Again, these options may not save you lot of money, but they are […]
Solar Electricity – Part 2
Is Solar Electricity Expensive? For a moment, let us ignore global warming and pollution, as we always do. We can always complain that somebody else is responsible for that. Now, we are left with the most important question: How expensive is the solar electricity? What is the return of investment? The calculation of expense is […]
Solar Electricity – where to start?
As mentioned in one of my previous articles, here is the first article of a series of guest posts. Author of this article is Raghavendra Ijjada, has spent more than a decade in software industry after obtaining Masters in Engineering from IISc, Bangalore. He has recently developed the hobby of experimenting with Solar Energy and […]