Yesterday I visited Big Bazaar (Banashankari branch, Kathriguppe, Bangalore). I shopped for a trolley full of goods and approached one of the billing counter. There was a smart lady with lots of patience looking at each of the item and swiping across the barcode reader for computerized billing. Unfortunately, there was no barcode on of the the box containing edible oil pouches. There were 10 pouches of 1 ltr sunflower oil in that box, summing up to 10 litres. Just to ensure the right number of pouches were there, she opened up the box as well and counted. I reminded her that there were only 10 and not 12, she smiled and said she noticed that too. Then i was caught up with many other goods that are being billed. Paid the amount as per the billing and left the counter with goods. Once i came outside the store, i noticed I was billed for 12 litres instead of 10. I had to talk to that lady again and convince her as well as her manager that the billing was wrongly done by showing up the box again. After a while, they asked me whether i would like to pick up another 2 pouches of oil or want the money to be refunded. I opted for former since I was not in a mood to spend another 15-20 minutes for them to process the refund.
My suggestion to readers is that be careful when you are at billing counter and you might be in the wrong end to shell our more from your pocket!
Ronak says
By this incident we should be very careful while interacting with these people.
Ronak says
By this incident we should be very careful while interacting with these people.
GamingGarage says
But its nt in all places.In my area in tarnaka in HYDerabad its Good.
umesh derebail says
Mohan if you observe closely there are many other faults in billing, sometimes some other state prices are billed, higher SKU billing also is possible, schemes are not passed on etc. All these are common features in modern retail trade or malls
umesh derebail says
Mohan if you observe closely there are many other faults in billing, sometimes some other state prices are billed, higher SKU billing also is possible, schemes are not passed on etc. All these are common features in modern retail trade or malls
Deboshree says
I have had this happen to a friend. And have been cautious ever since. Thanks for the reminder though!
Deboshree says
I have had this happen to a friend. And have been cautious ever since. Thanks for the reminder though!
Himanshu says
Many of my friends have had a similar experience. and if my memory serves me right, Dainik jaagran once had an article published over it too.
Mohan says
Looks like I haven’t read that article, coz DJ is not so popular here in Bangalore
Himanshu says
Many of my friends have had a similar experience. and if my memory serves me right, Dainik jaagran once had an article published over it too.
Mohan says
Looks like I haven’t read that article, coz DJ is not so popular here in Bangalore
Garima says
Ya I know the guys at Big Bazaar are so concerned on the security front that they spend quite some time checking the baggage. But, I guess now we should be concerned about our pocket security because with punching the holes in the memo- they are drilling some extra on our pockets too
Mohan says
Well, we are to be blamed because we chose to shop there! You should read my other article on how to shop wisely at such shopping malls
Garima says
Ya I know the guys at Big Bazaar are so concerned on the security front that they spend quite some time checking the baggage. But, I guess now we should be concerned about our pocket security because with punching the holes in the memo- they are drilling some extra on our pockets too
Mohan says
Well, we are to be blamed because we chose to shop there! You should read my other article on how to shop wisely at such shopping malls
Ravindra Joisa says
True. This has happened many times. Good that they agreed to refund/ give you another 2 liters. What if they were like Auto rickshaw drivers..
Mohan says
Hehehe… true, after all it is our money and we have every right to get good value for our spending.
Swapnali says
Oh and also be aware of giving Eclairs for change. They do that in Pune all the time. Perhaps one day one of us should go to the cash counter and pay them in bags of “Eclairs”.
Mohan says
Hmmm fortunately, I haven’t encountered such Eclairs change
Your idea sounds interesting to make them cry for sure!
Swapnali says
Oh and also be aware of giving Eclairs for change. They do that in Pune all the time. Perhaps one day one of us should go to the cash counter and pay them in bags of “Eclairs”.
Mohan says
Hmmm fortunately, I haven’t encountered such Eclairs change
Your idea sounds interesting to make them cry for sure!
Neeraj says
That is an eye-opener… although looks like a human error in the first glance… after all it is our personal responsiblity to tally the correct items…
Mohan says
Absolutely… I agree
Neeraj says
That is an eye-opener… although looks like a human error in the first glance… after all it is our personal responsiblity to tally the correct items…
Mohan says
Absolutely… I agree
Hitesh Rawat says
10 Lts are oil… what are you doing……??????
I know how much we love oil……but’s it’s not healthy ………………
Mohan says
Hitesh, I usually buy the stock for 4-5 months when it comes to edible oils and similar stuff which is not perishable. Who wants to get into such routine grocery buying all the time… do it for once
Sunitha says
Its become common everywhere, if you stopped going to that shop means , do you think that will be the solution for this problem? It will be the same when you go for other shop, so rather than stopping going there its better to make them notice about their mistake and try to correct it. If they take it seriously and learn not to do that mistake again means it will help for other customers as well.
What do u say???
Mohan says
Well, atleast I know what I am doing
i always ensure what I have been billed against what I have purchased before leaving the counter. it is all within us!
Sunitha says
Its become common everywhere, if you stopped going to that shop means , do you think that will be the solution for this problem? It will be the same when you go for other shop, so rather than stopping going there its better to make them notice about their mistake and try to correct it. If they take it seriously and learn not to do that mistake again means it will help for other customers as well.
What do u say???
Mohan says
Well, atleast I know what I am doing
i always ensure what I have been billed against what I have purchased before leaving the counter. it is all within us!
Aditi says
huh..!!! :@ that is seriously wrong on their part…
had I been at ur place I would opted for second option…not that i cant afford 2 more packets of oil… but I am too fussy with people who get on my wrong side… and to pass this as ‘mistake’ is sooo lame on their part… when she checked it to confirm 10 packets how can one enter 12 packets in bill..!!!! That shows wht kinda training des billing staff receives..!!!
Mohan says
Well, it is the problem with updating of their stock with right barcode. I wouldn’t blame the billing staff, it is more to do with their stock management and billing.
Aditi says
Agreed that the barcode might have some issues…but makin the quantity 12 from 10 is completely manual mistake, inspite of she checking for 10 pouches herself…
Aditi says
huh..!!! :@ that is seriously wrong on their part…
had I been at ur place I would opted for second option…not that i cant afford 2 more packets of oil… but I am too fussy with people who get on my wrong side… and to pass this as ‘mistake’ is sooo lame on their part… when she checked it to confirm 10 packets how can one enter 12 packets in bill..!!!! That shows wht kinda training des billing staff receives..!!!
Simi says
Hi all Same thing happens here also maharathra..they are very much bothered in adding extra items and also they give chocolates for change ….. no proper billing … reaally disheartened abt this !!!!!!one must be very conscious in the counter !Beware ….BigBazaar shud change the attitude !!!
Mohan says
They need to understand one thing… Customer is the king and the day S/He gets fed up of things, they will never come back!
Simi says
Hi all Same thing happens here also maharathra..they are very much bothered in adding extra items and also they give chocolates for change ….. no proper billing … reaally disheartened abt this !!!!!!one must be very conscious in the counter !Beware ….BigBazaar shud change the attitude !!!
Mohan says
They need to understand one thing… Customer is the king and the day S/He gets fed up of things, they will never come back!
Mohan says
Yes, it is a repeated routine that I have noticed in multiple visits. I have simply stopped going there anymore.
Mohan says
Yes, it is a repeated routine that I have noticed in multiple visits. I have simply stopped going there anymore.
Abinash says
This is very much true. Many times i have also observed that they do wrong billing. the price tag after discount will be different and the price in their system will not be updated. People should be more careful specially when they are doing bulk shopping and will always tend to swipe the card and get rid of the queue as soon as possible.