People in metro cities are very much used to radio in day to day life. Since the inception of FM Radio channels in India, many radio stations have come up all over the country. This business yields a very high revenue as the mobile usage has shot up in exponential terms for sure. Every now […]
Kaveri underpass
Bangalore’s much talked Underpass at Kaveri junction is finally ready, alas the BBMP staff is getting out of the stress of planning, execution and most importantly Public relations abode. 3 days to 33 days, a symbolic situation which has raised many questions on capabilities, competence and completion of governament initiatives. Construction of this underpass was […]
Y! Jodhaa Akbar
To mark the official launch of Yahoo! India Movies portal, all Y! india employees were sponsored with the movie tickets to watch ‘Jodhaa Akbar’ – historical epic by Ashutosh Gowarikar. Watching such a well publicized movie on the very first day that too at PVR Cinema is certainly a welcome move for all the Yahoos […]
Flickr albums integrated with WordPress
Successfully integrated my flickr photos to my blog powered by WordPress. You can view them by clicking on the ‘Photos’ link in the header. I used FAlbum plugin to accomplish this, set up was done with very minimal changes to the code. I just had to modify the style sheet file [../styles/default/falbum.css] of FAlbum as […]
Childhood Dreams – Randy Pausch
Saw this video of Randy Pausch at Carnegie Mellon on YouTube recently. This is probably the most inspiring thing I’ve ever watched on youtube. Watch it when you have some time, I am sure you will have a lot to learn from this guy. This lecture is the last one by Randy at CMU. I […]